Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have looked after his books for forty years and that 's all I know , so he gave me the capital to start and here I am . ’
2 I must add here that I do not use any ready-made greens as I prefer to mix my own colours : azo yellow light , cadmium yellow medium , and titanium white mixed with my blues for this , with the addition of burnt sienna , yellow ochre and Vandyke brown for the earth colours .
3 Investors have criticised last week 's fiscal package and interest rate cut as too little too late and voted with their feet for most of the week by selling out of the market .
4 The importance of the practice lies in its implications for monetary control and we shall mention it again in sections 4.3 and 9.1 .
5 and Macpherson of Cluny J. ) given on 18 January 1991 refusing them the relief claimed in their applications for judicial review of decisions made in relation to each of them by the Secretary of State for the Home Department .
6 Some companies may be reluctant to comment on their experiences for internal reasons .
7 We pray for those who are confined to their homes for long periods .
8 Most prisoners are confined to their cells for long periods of time .
9 It was at Scarborough that the ball shot between my legs for four at third man and I got : ‘ Pick tha ’ bluddy feet up , Mary Quant . ’
10 Is he prepared for your feelings for each other to change , from passion to contentment ?
11 Then , when the data have been collected , the respondents are grouped into homogeneous categories according to their scores for selected variables .
12 This month David Stevens passes on his ideas for perfect pergolas , and you 'll find plant profiles from your favourite BBC experts .
13 Nails stood looking at his feet for some time , as there was not much else to do .
14 In his day Hamilton was recognized by discriminating judges as having contributed decisively to the emergence of the new naturalistic style of English landscape , and his guidance was sought by his friends for such outstanding creations as Stourhead , Bowood , Hagley , and Holland Park .
15 They would be free from slavery , from work they were unsuited to do , but they lost a way of life , they had to look after their children for longer , they had to find other work to keep the family fed , clothed , rent paid etc .
16 They joined in our events for young women , and devoured our publications , because it gave them the springboard for taking action themselves .
17 Clients will often look to their accountants for impartial guidance on a wide range of investment issues , yet too few practitioners meet this need with a pro-active approach to enhancing their clients ' overall financial wellbeing , whether directly or via an associate .
18 On Feb. 27 the EC Commission agreed on its proposals for agricultural support for the 1991/92 EC agricultural year starting on April 1 .
19 We therefore ask you to look to your classes for possible talent .
20 To all whom this epistle shall come , Greetings — Whereas we have been credibly informed by our well-beloved subject the right honourable Lord Clovelly , of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , and on behalf of our well-beloved subject Christopher Everard , Gentleman , that the said Christopher Everard hath lately discovered several Islands in the Hesperidean seas towards the continent of America , the one called Saint Thomas 's , alias Everhope ( though this be error ) , or in the native tongue Liamuiga , and another , as the savages of those parts name it , Oualie ; that we are further informed that these said Islands are possessed and inhabited only by the aforementioned savages and heathen people , and are not , nor at the time of the discovery were , in the possession or under the government of any Christian Prince , state or potentate , and thereupon the said Christopher Everard , being set forth and supplied on our shores for that purpose , made entry into the said Islands for and on behalf of our dear Father in heaven , and hath since with the consent and good liking of the natives made some beginning of a plantation and colony and likewise of an hopeful trade there , and hath caused divers of our subjects of this realm to remove themselves to the said Islands with purpose to proceed in so hopeful a work : KNOW THEREFORE that the said Lord Clovelly and Christopher Everard may be encouraged and the better enabled with the more ample maintenance and authority to effect the same , We do command the said Christopher Everard to be possessed of the said Islands and all our other loving subjects under him : And of our especial great and certain knowledge have given and granted unto the said Christopher Everard during our pleasure custody of the aforesaid Islands and of every creature , man , woman and child upon them together with full power and authority for us and in our name and as our Lieutenant to govern rule and order all .
21 One quarter of the capital and results of the joint venture is included in the group accounts as shown by its results for six months to 31st March 1991 .
22 ( d ) You 'll have on your file a permanent record of the title and all its principal features in a much more manageable form than that of an abstract ; your notes will remain with your papers for future reference ; and from them at a later date you should be able , if necessary , to answer any questions or difficulties that may arise .
23 Subsequent financial woes — he had quit his job as a broker to work on a show for the Boone gallery — sent Koons back to Pennsylvania , where he lived with his parents for several months before heading to Florida for a political campaign job that brought him enough money to return to New York .
24 She was busily engaged in courting Maurice Dawkins who lived in Culver Street and seemed to be always in the shop complaining of his drawbacks for all and sundry to hear .
25 Does my right hon. Friend accept that to deal with military conflicts in the Province British troops must be able to deal with the Irish Republican Army in a professional , military way , without their hands being tied behind their backs for political reasons ?
26 Indeed , it is just the space between these contradictions that subordinate groups fill with their demands for legal change .
27 Prisoners may be left locked in their cells for longer , because there is not the staff to supervise out-of-cell activities or to escort them from place to place .
28 Log-It wish to apologise to its customers for any inconvenience this move may have caused .
29 Many of the fish species migrate from one river system to another : they can travel 20–30 km upstream in a single day and seeds can remain in their guts for 1 7 days .
30 Although dealers have been sacked from their firms for hard selling to the aged or infirm , it is usually only when complaints are made .
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