Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun prp] [coord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ever since he had heard about Maisie and the headmaster they had risen in swarms , like rats leaving a sewer .
2 He wished , in his own words : ‘ to honour the memory of the early British travellers and in view of the special relationship which has subsequently developed between Murren and the tourists from Britain ’ .
3 He concluded : ‘ The bottom line is — who cares what Bono [ Hewson ] thinks about Japan or The Bomb or Sellafield or the price of biscuits ?
4 A drink was pressed into his hand , a chair held back and he found himself seated opposite Cornelius by the window , for all the world like some sixth-former seeking advice on whether to go for Oxbridge or the Guards .
5 But by then there was deep distrust between France and the rest of the Community .
6 It matters a great deal , and I want in this chapter to sketch out some of the implications of this inviolable link which the New Testament writers make between Jesus and the Spirit .
7 ‘ It would be impossible to say too much in praise of consultant Ernest Sinar and his colleagues and staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital for the way in which they cared for Jo and the family during the time she was there . ’
8 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
9 Turania , an area of East Turkistan , now one of the Central Provinces of the USSR situated between Afghanistan and the Caspian Sea , spawned , it appears , gifted stone-masons , and at the request of the Emperor Asoka who ruled India during the third century BC , the Naga named Mahakala produced colossal images of Guatama Buddha and his two predecessors .
10 During the propaganda war that was waged between Sandys and the Services , the Air Staff were not to be outdone by the Admiralty .
11 It was bad for Martinho 's people , caught between Osvaldo and the cherry berets .
12 He found himself praying for Eileen and the Commander and all the dead , wherever they were .
13 Nothing could have hurt on this glorious morning and she had quite forgotten about Marie and the amusement the girl would have had in seeing her .
14 They are interested in at least a dozen taxi journeys reported between Dover and the Campbell Road area in the month before the bombing .
15 NICK FALDO and Severiano Ballesteros both signed off in good heart from the Freeport-McMoran Classic at English Turn yesterday , each having final rounds of 69 to ensure top 10 finishes as they head for Augusta and the Masters .
16 SOME CONTROL But Coun. Dave Lyonette ( Lab ) said he had counted 43 vehicles parked between Binns and the gas showrooms on High Row last Friday displaying orange badges .
17 There must not be any spaced between INSTR and the opening bracket .
18 Silence was observed as she moved a table to stand between Charlotte and the chair Natasha had sat in , then arranged the china and poured the first cups .
19 This starts between March and the beginning of April and lasts until the end of June .
20 Even in the nineteenth century , many hundreds of vessels passed through the Straits each year , most of them small coasting ships but also a good many larger vessels trading between Europe and the East Indies ( Java and Sumatra were at that time prosperous Dutch colonies ) .
21 The taxman had his slice , I carried out further improvements on the house and , of course , I had to provide for Suzie and the children , Chloe and Clare , for two winters , with no other work .
22 Camelopardalis lies between Auriga and the Pole Star .
23 The trick here , and in the scores of near-novels that have followed in its wake , is to make the reader , or disciple , imagine that he or she is just as erudite into the bargain : no need to struggle through Dante or The Song of Roland when it is all there in one fat detective story .
24 The past 30 years have witnessed both an escalation of the arms race between NATO and the Warsaw Pact and a proliferating membership of the nuclear weapons club .
25 Hepzibah looks after Dilys and the place best as she can .
26 ( i ) negation : The double negative " unwilling without ( 2 ) , for example , suggests a contrast between the willingness that seems to be expected of Pemberton and the reluctance that his own circumstances force upon him .
27 The outside door banged open again and a fourth stranger , also wearing a greatcoat , pushed inside and squeezed past Pearce and the Constable .
28 The gamine looks of Bernstein and the neatness of Debord have an aesthetic relevance which signifies a rather vague , but nevertheless compelling , reason for their inclusion in the text .
29 It 's for what it is it 's if say like Mark or the staff were upstairs
30 Climber & Hill Walker August 1991 £1.60 Gimmer Crack A quality climb French limestone A guide for middle graders Mountain walking In Africa and the Yorkshire Dales Volume XXX No.8 August 1991
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