Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [indef pn] more [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Even M31 , the Great Spiral in Andromeda , looks like nothing more than an ill-defined misty patch , though its elongated shape is clear enough .
2 Parents see relationships as the most important aspect of primary schooling and marketing has much to do with relationships , it simply starts with nothing more than an insistence on common courtesy — or is it more like uncommon courtesy ?
3 The report , from a correspondent in Bangkok , stated that this was the first occasion since the Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia in September 1989 [ see pp. 36881-82 ] that Vietnamese forces had been used in anything more than an emergency capacity .
4 Remove " the tough talk , all the swagger and the patriotic posturing " , he said , " and protectionism amounts to nothing more than a smokescreen for a country that 's running scared " .
5 These petty morals , partly overlapping , form a cascade of precepts none of which amounts to anything more than a trite platitude .
6 One developed into nothing more than a simple ball of cells with no gut at all , the other into a more or less normal larva .
7 The Open University freaks have taken so many short cuts that they are rudderless ships on that same deep ocean which you , most probably , crossed with nothing more than a paddle or ragged bit of sail under a stiff breeze and with a lively brain .
8 The music of Chopin , the poetry of Mickiewicz — both produced in exile — and the paintings of Jan Matejko are all powerful emotional and political responses to the reality of life in a country whose people were denied their own forms of government , and whose culture was relegated to nothing more than a set of quaint country ways .
9 Now this emphasis on focusing and honing everything right down to its simplest form can sound a bit like naked capitalism , treating rock ‘ n ’ roll as nothing more than a game .
10 We know Compaq wrote the specification when it was still a ploy — Systems Network Integration says they even have a prototype up and running — but whether this can ever amount to anything more than a high-end PC depends on sorting out fact from propaganda .
11 I think of the eclectic women on baby blankets , bare beside picnic baskets and one another , pleased to be sated by nothing more than a book and a cigarette , a glass of cider and a chat or a piece of quiche , meatless , of course .
12 His forecast for 1985 in the NME led to nothing more than a throwaway : ‘ Disability chic will reign rampantly in 1985 .
13 But at this stage the problem for research has not been defined at anything more than a very general level .
14 Recently published Dataquest figures indicate a potential market size of $300 million by 1990 but with less that a year of history to go on this can hardly be taken as anything more than a guideline .
15 In an anonymous introduction , the editor of De revolutionibus , Andreas Osiander , had implied that the earth 's motion was to be construed as nothing more than a convenient hypothesis .
16 Staff should be discouraged from carrying over anything more than a few holidays a few days holiday from one year to the next , unless it 's for specific purposes , such as climbing , catching dingo or visiting Aunty Mabel in New Zealand .
17 The special nature of the facts of the case mean that it has a very narrow reading and for this reason might amount to nothing more than an amalgam of common law duties not to be dishonest .
18 But if you put all of these together , do they amount to anything more than a restorationist position ?
19 And drastic measures are needed in the Serious Fraud Office , set up last year , to ensure that it moves at something more than a glacial pace .
20 Jack Lewis was a brilliant attacking wing-half whom Palace obtained for nothing more than a signing-on fee from West Bromwich Albion in the summer of 1938 .
21 It has been said many times that the word ‘ conviction ’ is ambiguous and it has sometimes been construed in a statutory context as referring to nothing more than a finding of guilt .
22 The explosives , which were described as nothing more than an experiment , were detonated just above a dam built in January and breached last week .
23 If the proposals of early 1858 reached the statute book , " The whole of Russia will turn into nothing more than a military colony ( obratitsia v odno voennoe poselenie ) , and who will save it from the new Arakcheev who is emerging in the person of Iakov Ivanovich Rostovtsev ? "
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