Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
2 Before kiln operator Steve Kelly died at 55 , he asked for help to be given to the team of Macmillan nurses who cared for him in his last months .
3 I also had two dollies , one made for me by our great family friend , Mrs Fawcett , the other stitched by my mother from an old piece of quilted petticoat .
4 Each writer is introduced by Ms Washington and placed for us against her proper contemporary backdrop , so that we can see and understand some of the pressures and concerns that shaped her writing , her style and her narrative voice .
5 ‘ The future of the capercaillie will depend on how good a habitat we provide for them in our new forests , ’ he said .
6 What the experts want to know about you at your antenatal clinic Nancy Stewart
7 Now it 's a system you go through if you break the law , you know we have an education system which is organised for us by our local community who builds the school , who runs the school , who 's on the governors of those schools .
8 ‘ I will leave this chamber when I have finished and , Lady Prioress , I should be grateful if you would wait for me in your own chamber .
9 Without another word he turned and strode towards the escalator , leaving Matchsticks to struggle after him with his heavy case .
10 He learned English in order to deliver the lectures expected of him in his new post .
11 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
12 The solution was to let her initiate everything , to allow her to come towards him in her own time .
13 The primary source of their superior financial performance is capital gains from acquiring corporate assets and activities that , under present ownership , yield less than their opportunity values , and disposing of them at their higher market values .
14 I just made it out of the front door and to the end of my path , when the picture windows imploded inwards and the house erupted behind me through its triangular roof like Krakatoa herself .
15 ‘ No , you do n't understand , ’ she said irritably , ‘ I want you to come with me in my two seater kayak . ’
16 D' you know that guy comes into my office about twice a day and perches on my desk like a bird of ill omen all ready to commiserate with me about my wretched lot ?
17 Why expend energy unearthing the potentially cultish properties of a technological novelty when its cultishness has been deliberately programmed into it by its sly devisers ?
18 I 'd like you to stand with me as my best man .
19 Candidates must now set up personal machines manned by workers attracted to them by their individual qualities and stands on the issues with little or no reference to party loyalty .
20 It certainly did n't appeal to them in its new form , as an international , populist sport .
21 The wicked mood of triumphant secret freedom which had come to her after her first performance of careful deliberate lying to Jack had , for the moment at any rate , left her .
22 I do not know what sort of friends they were that they would let a young woman come to them on her own !
23 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
24 They were free to raise funds elsewhere if they could , and one at least got a substantial sum from a local authority which would not have supported a project of that nature if it had not come to them from their own school children .
25 Peter Catherwood finally snapped when the child referred to him by his second name .
26 Peter Catherwood finally snapped when the child referred to him by his second name .
27 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
28 If he sends a note by hand addressed to you at your own office , would that do ? "
29 " Who exactly are the slant-eyed oriental gentlemen who 've come among us in their gaudy silk dressing gowns and funny hats ? "
30 In a civil question between the creditors of a deceased and insolvent certificate-holder and his widow , who , without objection by the creditors , obtained the certificate and thereafter carried on the business without any agreement being made regarding her paying her husband 's debts , or the application of the profits during her tenancy , it was decided that she was not bound to account to the creditors for the profits earned by her under her own certificate : Stewart 's Trs. v. Stewart 's Executrix ( 1896 ) 23 R. 739 .
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