Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had a picture in his mind of the layout of passage , stairs and landing , a picture unwittingly painted for him by the man who had retrieved his wallet .
2 Russian into business.Market stalls might not hold that much interest for the average Briton , but for Ekaterina Likhoda from Nizhni Tagil in the Russian Urals , ( see below , far right with South Wales Society president Paul Marshall — also pictured on the far left are Ekaterina 's interpreter , Olga Lewis , and Michelle Thomson , owner of the fruit stall ) it was all part of an unusual business-study trip arranged for her by the Institute 's General Practitioner Board .
3 Buildings insurance is essential and therefore usually arranged for you by the Society .
4 Later it was found that its policies in relation to Polish territorial claims had been formulated for it by the Comintern as a way of weakening Poland .
5 FALKLANDS war hero Simon Weston is to tackle an 800-mile journey in America on a £2,000 cycle specially designed for him by the Lotus car company .
6 Posing as a Lebanese cocaine buyer , he had flown to Los Angeles with a suitcase full of counterfeit US currency provided by DEA Nicosia and checked into a room booked for him by the DEA at the Sheraton Universal hotel .
7 I could do what was expected of me by the crowd , or I could do what he trusted me to do .
8 Both managers said they would assess managerial competence by a person 's ability to achieve the goals expected of them by the organisation .
9 As a consequence we are still constrained to conform to standards of behaviour expected of us by the group .
10 She 'd been pressured into it by the situation .
11 He felt at rest , the dark weight of tension lifted from him by the woman .
12 God lives in you by the power of his spirit and he will guide you into truth , life and peace .
13 Sir : I was prompted to write to you by the letter from J. Dawson in the July issue .
14 If one wants to deliver a caring service one will deliver a better caring service if one manages it efficiently and uses the resources committed to it by the taxpayer to the maximum possible extent .
15 Until the 1930s , for example , it was a routine practice of the London police to record thefts reported to them by the public as ‘ lost property ’ .
16 That prompted judge Robert Watson from the USA to interject : ‘ Judges can only score a foul if it is reported to them by the referee . ’
17 However , the scattered radiation does carry to Earth signatures impressed on it by the atmosphere above the clouds , and by the 1960s it had been established that this part of the atmosphere alone contained about 1000 times as much CO 2 as the whole atmosphere of the Earth .
18 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
19 He looked to be peevish , the corners of his full mouth turned down , and an irritable look in his face each time he answered some remark addressed to him by the woman at his side .
20 Where the defence arises our courts will act upon the so-called ‘ M'Naghten ’ rules , propounded by the judges in response to questions addressed to them by the House of Lords .
21 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
22 Much of McQueen 's acting was done for him by the make-up of Charles Schram , who effectively ages him over his years of solitary confinement .
23 The particulars must also be confirmed by or on behalf of the clearing member , and again this is usually done for him by the exchange 's electronic system .
24 " The common duty of care does not impose upon an occupier any obligation willingly accepted as his by the visitor . "
25 The Queen 's speech at the opening of parliament is of course written for her by the government of the day .
26 you go or the person who has been hypnotized so that in the most extreme cases , as we know , the hypnotized person lapses into a kind of trance , whether a kind of sleeping automaton with no ego and their decisions are now being made for them by the hypnotist who tells them what do to and they , they act as a kind of a , a puppet as if their ego ha has been turned off al al al altogether and clearly there 's a parallel here with what Freud 's going on in the group .
27 He was not aware of any post being sought for him by the Government and , if offered one , would have turned it down .
28 She also became a celebrated beauty through the depictions made of her by the photographer Julia Margaret Cameron [ q.v. ] and the painters Brown , D. G. Rossetti , Burne-Jones , and Val Prinsep [ q.v . ] .
29 The respondents defended the proceedings denying all the allegations made against them by the petitioner .
30 There can be no doubt that for many women fear of loss is built into us by the way we 've been reared .
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