Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] same [noun] are " in BNC.

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1 This would explain why children of the same genetics , age and sex , living in the same house are more likely to both contract the illness than any of the other combinations studied .
2 pBLcat2 and wild type oligo I constructs from the same experiments are shown for direct comparison .
3 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
4 Daytime shifts on the same taxi are handled by lonely Joseph , who meets Julie one evening and — this being a French movie — takes her to bed .
5 All these variations combine to the extent that even words spoken by the same person are never identical [ Vassiere , 1985 ] .
6 Even words spoken by the same person are never identical ( Vaissiere , 1985 ) .
7 Any partial hypotheses which end at the same node are equivalent as far as further right context is concerned , and only the highest scoring need be kept .
8 I mean it just appalled me I think that we are all of us , if you like to a degree , tarred with the same brush are n't we ?
9 This means that in the OED only cross-references backwards or to entries published in the same fascicle are adequate , and in the Supplement , only cross-references to OED , to earlier volumes , and to the same volume ( usually ) are adequate .
10 Working in conjunction with the dampers and controlled by the same computer are four air springs , which constantly adjust the ride height according to a number of external factors .
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