Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] social [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under the terms of the Children Act , however , responsibility for helping these children now lies with the social services child care team .
2 In each location they negotiated with the social services department an agreement that any continuing clients would be supported by the social services department , either with community services or with a place in institutional care .
3 Decisions on who needs assessment and who has priority will usually be made within the social services department , but in hospital such decisions can be made with health care staff .
4 Will the Prime Minister confirm that the Secretary of State for Employment will no longer be able to participate in the Social Affairs Council — I am sure that many of our partners will not miss him — and , if that is so , will he consider demoting him and reducing his salary ?
5 Needs for social care would be identified according to the social services department 's policy and budgetary constraints .
6 So you can see Chairman the facts and figures simply do not support either the report which came to the social services committee originally or Mr inflated figures .
7 As a result of two consultation days held to examine possibilities for greater integration in residential provision for children and young people with special needs , a series of recommendations were made to and accepted by the Social Services Committee in January 1987 .
8 The plan was adopted by the social services committee after officials assured members that it did not contravene the 1986 Local Government Act , which outlaws the promotion of homosexuality in schools or by published material .
9 Marek , who represents Wrexham , site of the Bryn Estyn children 's home , said the public inquiry into the allegations , which is unlikely to take place until after criminal trials , must have ‘ the widest possible terms of reference ’ and must ‘ look into the social services handling of these matters ’ .
10 Evidence of the difficulties in the development of multidisciplinary assessment procedures has been provided by projects in four local areas , orchestrated by the Social Services Inspectorate ( DoH , 1989a ) .
11 Recommendations by consultants Price Waterhouse are expected to be approved by the social services committee today .
12 That draft er approved by the Social Affairs Council a week ago does not allow the flexibility for companies and their employees to determine working time arrangements at local plant level , but we do question the E E C's involvement in this area .
13 Local authority housing departments require a close working relationship with occupational therapists employed within the social services departments ( SSDs ) , who advise on the technical aspects of adaptations .
14 The 16-year-old had appeared in court on March 2 accused of murder , but escaped from a social services hostel last week .
15 I was invited to attend as a ‘ participating observer ’ and the time I spent in the Social Studies group , I remember as one of the most exciting and productive in my educational experience , marred only by the fact that the conference had to end a little early because the money ran out .
16 The occupational therapist in the community is normally employed by the social services department , and the initial contact is usually made by the general practitioner .
17 Lists of registered childminders can be obtained from the under-fives adviser employed by the social services department .
18 At local level , responsibility for child care rests with the social services committees of the local authorities .
19 He has a room allotted in the social sciences department and special arrangements with the university domestic staff .
20 A number of years ago she worked in the social services department of Cleveland county council .
21 She completed her education in Croydon before moving to Guildford where she worked in the Social Services Department and then the personnel department of an Insurance Company .
22 Details of their activities can be found in the Social Services Year Book in public libraries .
23 If you feel that you will be unable to take out a loan in this way or that it will cause you financial hardship , you can apply to the Social Services Department for help .
24 I I listened to Mr speech with some incredulity I must say , but I did listen to what he said and if what he said is true then I I find some of the things disturbing and and er I 'd like to see his figures and I I w I I that there have certainly been er two messages coming to the social services committee in in in that case .
25 With that check came renewed questioning about the balance between services provided by the social services departments and the many forms of family , neighbourhood and commercially purchased care that they supplemented .
26 In accordance with standing order A thirteen little C , this motion will stand referred to the Social Services Committee for consideration and report unless the Council decide to deal with it at this meeting .
27 In accordance with standing order A thirteen little C this motion will stand referred to the Social Services Committee for consideration and report unless the Council decided to deal with it at this meeting .
28 I move this petition to be referred to the Social Services committee .
29 The second one to present the petition of one thousand three hundred and seventy two signatures asking that , who are opposed to Brady Hospital being turned into specialised unit for adolescents and to ask the county council not to proceed with plans to develop a group three community home on the site , erm I ask it be referred to the social services committee .
30 In 1990 , 6079 residents were enumerated in 241 establishments , including 21 NHS hospitals , 160 homes for elderly people ( 46 run by the social services departments , 105 private residential , and nine run by voluntary agencies ) , 32 private nursing homes , and four hospitals or hostels for the mentally or physically handicapped ( table I ) .
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