Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] we " in BNC.

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1 Touching : We all know when something is so hot that it burns our fingers or so sharp that it hurts to touch it — but how much do we think about the other things we touch ?
2 It is naturally made in our own bodies , and is also contained in the animal-derived foods we eat .
3 For someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock , and I said as much as I leapt into the air .
4 Our images of the house are continually modified by the actual houses we encounter , and our perceptions of their size , shape , order and limitations ; and the effect of this is most pronounced when we engage in attempts to alter , extend , or discover pleasure in some physical aspect of this materiality which may resist these constraints .
5 When we 're done with the bad ones we ca n't wait to get them out of here .
6 There is clearly variation in expression of the APC gene within families as can be seen from the three families we have presented in detail .
7 These criticisms of Hobhouse might , with little modification , also be applied to the general movements we have examined .
8 Or indeed they could be heading for the two peaks we had just thrashed .
9 Liz , from King 's Lynn , Norfolk , said : ‘ I am just sorry that families we know could be going through the same feelings we had when our men left for the Gulf .
10 What would the two children we once were have thought of the two adults we had become ?
11 As the science of meteorology has advanced towards the computerised forecasts we receive today , this folklore has been treated with increasing suspicion , or forgotten .
12 The computer did n't look like the modern computers we have .
13 In which case , since Copenhagen is n't the biggest capital in Europe , the chances are that if we look in the right places we 'll find them sooner or later ! ’
14 This differed from the two experiments we have just described in several ways .
15 Operational matters are for the Governor , but I think it is important to bear in mind that although we know that violence was used in the early stages we have no evidence that anyone now still in the prison is in danger and you 've got to ask yourself in those circumstances whether you should risk injury or even death in storming the prison when as far as we know nobody remaining inside is now in danger .
16 Look at the bare facts we 've not beaten the scum in the three season we 've been back up and god knows we 've had enough chances in that time .
17 And then , look at the different types we have to deal with — and be polite to , no matter what we may be feeling inside !
18 It would have been easy for me just to put off the difficult decisions we need to take , but I must do what is right for this country .
19 To deal with the other terms we first change the dummy suffixes so that becomes .
20 But , Robert , we on earth must have a very small baseline compared with the big distances we 're trying to measure ?
21 Compared with the social services we have been examining , the residue present the institutional problem only in a comparatively mild form .
22 ‘ Quite a few compared with the one-eyed places we 'll be going through .
23 Neither does it have anything to do with the spontaneous dreams we have when asleep .
24 That 's fine , erm what sort I mean what are we , are we back in back in the old problems we 've had before with or is it written in something else ?
25 Such tailor made option contracts should be distinguished from the traded options we consider here .
26 Housing differs from the other services we have looked at in three ways : first , it is a durable asset and this gives exclusive rights of use ; second , housing is the biggest single item of expenditure in the budgets of most households ; and third , the housing market is dominated by an extensive and powerful private sector ( cf. education and health services ) .
27 But it 's in having said that it 's an interesting fact that the knitted fabric as such we know , is a warm sort of comfortable fabric and it 's obviously used in where I call the , the cold climes , and that , that 's why it 's developed in the very areas we 've been talking about .
28 And now what they 're saying is , well we 'll buy out those appeals , if you had your appeal running for a few years we 'll give you five hundred pound ex gratia payment .
29 Carole Rue , BT 's network services development manager , said : ‘ Although the trial has only been running for a few weeks we 're most encouraged by the initial response from our customers .
30 At the end of the underground man 's tirade ‘ generalhumans ’ appears as the notional creatures we are trying to turn ourselves into because ‘ we feel it 's too much of a burden to be men — men with real bodies , real blood of our own' .
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