Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are well understood , cheap to collect and very difficult to evade … rates should remain for the foreseeable future the main source of local revenue for local government ’ ( DOE/Welsh Office 1983a : 14 ) .
2 Obviously , the fewer carp competing for the available food the better the chance of reaching a worthwhile size .
3 This system , devised by Rentokil 's Research and Development department , offers for the first time a non-chemical , twenty-four hour detection and protection system .
4 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
5 The same phrase had been translated and mordantly placed by Dante in Canto XXX of the Purgatorio ; and so , when Hardy in these poems confronts the shade of his recently deceased and estranged wife Emma , not only does Aeneas in Aeneid 6 confront the reproachfully haughty ghost of Dido , but Dante 's pilgrim confronts for the first time the shade or apparition of his lost Beatrice .
6 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
7 American production soared , largely to meet overseas demand , and the Soviet Union , despite some impressive gains in production , became for the first time a large importer .
8 Although the accommodation remained spartan with bunk beds arranged in segregated dormitories , nevertheless , at a cost fixed at 1/ per night plus a shilling for breakfast , extended holidays in the countryside became for the first time a practical possibility for thousands previously denied them .
9 ( China , while not using its veto , nevertheless abstained , thus breaching for the first time the unanimity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in supporting resolutions on the Gulf crisis .
10 Soviet negotiators had been eager to preserve for the Soviet Union the right to retain something close to 80 per cent of the Warsaw Pact total .
11 And as the embarrassing minutes ticked away I began to realize for the first time the enormity of the problem which confronted Mrs Rumney .
12 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
13 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
14 But now she looked around her , really seeing for the first time the humming activity of the fruit and vegetable market , breathing in the aromatic smells , noticing how charming the open square was , with its border of pizza stalls and cafés and bistros .
15 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
16 As she shares Christmas dinner with her brother Charles , Diana will experience for the first time the trauma she has dreaded since the cracks first showed in her marriage .
17 In those early days in our relationship , Basil was still adjusting to the Northern scene and I , a callow young teacher , encountering for the first time a man of impeccable manners , charm and sensibility .
18 The Commission would have increased powers , including for the first time the power to propose legislation in the highly-sensitive area of home affairs on such issues as the right of asylum , immigration and residency rights ( hitherto discussed at an intergovernmental level in the " Trevi group " ) .
19 Goes through a new set every now and then like .
20 Brian Rouse a mechanic says he goes through a thorough check every day and washes the bikes and night and sometimes has to rebuild them .
21 Both legal literature and the documentary evidence attest the use of what can be called trust clauses , as well as the practice of using for a single disposition the wording of both legacy and trust .
22 This is a second series , using as a conversational resource a different set of modules ; these modules are designed to obtain information which can be used to plot out speakers ' interpersonal network relationships both within and outside the neighbourhood .
23 Meanwhile , Reading Council were lashing together a municipal PR exercise , using as a dodgy pretext the 400th anniversary of the destruction of the local abbey by Henry VIII .
24 Microscopy has come a long way since the 1670s when Antonie van Leewenhoek used his relatively crude instruments to see for the first time the bacteria that inhabit worlds normally hidden from the naked eye .
25 Why are we so ready to treat as a minor operation an alteration which involves a major transformation in the cat 's lifestyle and personality ?
26 Bissett had once met the gaunt technician from A45 who had apparently received through a faulty glove a particle of plutonium the size of a pinhead and whose body had been cremated six months later before there could be an inquest .
27 She experienced for the first time the frightening inhospitality of city streets .
28 That some compositors , and not only on the committee , took a more sympathetic view of the problem is suggested by one writer to the STC , as far back as 1886 , whose attitude seems with hindsight to be the most constructive approach voiced by an Edinburgh man : that the women be treated seriously as colleagues and an attempt made to integrate them into the cultural world of the compositor from which they were decidedly excluded : A trade female society should be organised , having in connection a sick etc. fund ; a reading-room provided with illustrated and comic papers and magazines ; a library of high-class light literature chiefly and encyclopedias , dictionaries etc. : and an efficient committee to arrange for a grand picnic every summer and social gatherings in winter evenings .
29 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
30 When pressed for a favourable reply the pontiff put forward a set of propositions which would have to be accepted by Napoleon before the ceremony could take place .
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