Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] every " in BNC.

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1 Goes through a new set every now and then like .
2 Brian Rouse a mechanic says he goes through a thorough check every day and washes the bikes and night and sometimes has to rebuild them .
3 That some compositors , and not only on the committee , took a more sympathetic view of the problem is suggested by one writer to the STC , as far back as 1886 , whose attitude seems with hindsight to be the most constructive approach voiced by an Edinburgh man : that the women be treated seriously as colleagues and an attempt made to integrate them into the cultural world of the compositor from which they were decidedly excluded : A trade female society should be organised , having in connection a sick etc. fund ; a reading-room provided with illustrated and comic papers and magazines ; a library of high-class light literature chiefly and encyclopedias , dictionaries etc. : and an efficient committee to arrange for a grand picnic every summer and social gatherings in winter evenings .
4 Brief enthusiastic accounts surfaced in the popular press every now and then , offering highly suspect details on her ‘ phenomenal ’ sailing characteristics .
5 A former male compositor , apprenticed between the wars , told me that in his school , near Nelson 's printworks in Parkside , the foreman used to come to the top class every year and recruit " the brightest boys " .
6 And these roles are are occupied by the same people every year ?
7 What do you think of the little hearts every time you put an enter ?
8 Not only is he facing an uncertain future , he is being forced to behave in an uncharacteristic fashion every day .
9 So active is a job that gets done on a daily basis every day ?
10 Each fingernail grows about an half inch every three months , and toenails about a third of that rate .
11 Many vote for the same party every time they vote , and probably give little attention to the personalities or policies of specific candidates .
12 For a whole week now I had dreamed of a small child every night , and perhaps Bessie was right , as a message came from Gateshead .
13 An average of 3 new monasteries are opened in the Third World every year .
14 Now that she was free to choose , Ianthe looked forward to going to the same church every Sunday and finding her place in the congregation .
15 It was to be broadcast over the national network every Saturday .
16 This entails starting early and topping up with repeat spraying on the young growth every few days .
17 He has vilified Simon Bates with a campaign that amounts to persecution and he flies into a howling rage every time he hears Sing Something Simple ( R2 ) .
18 Unfortunately , encyclopaedias are very expensive to compile and publish so one can not hope for a new edition every year and the information in them is thus often very dated .
19 It is brought out clearly , and even contrasted with the Hebrew view , in the Epistle to the Hebrews , 9 : 25–6 : ‘ Nor yet that he should offer himself often , as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others ; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world ; but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself . ’
20 A NOISY cockerel must be locked in a sound-proof box every night — because a neighbour ca n't stand his crowing .
21 It is clear that the individual is not acting rationally in this example : the expectation error is increasing every year and the individual is failing to predict inflation even though it is rising by a constant amount every year and is caused by the same factor ( monetary growth ) every year .
22 To see her at work during the day , with her hair pulled straight back and no makeup on , and to hear her ticking off her girls if they were slacking , you would n't dream it was the same girl who was out dancing with a different partner every night .
23 With the scratch foil system , the styli and the arms they are mounted on have a definable mass which must be accelerated , moved to a different position and then decelerated to the new value every time there is a change in the magnitude of the parameter .
24 It was some time before the detective found your address ; you 've been very clever in not meeting here , but it was careless of you to go to the same hotel every time , even if you did sign in as Mr and Mrs Smith .
25 We bring many new titles into our library every month , so you wo n't be reading about the same programs every time you pick up your copy of Practical PC .
26 We bring many new titles into our library every month , so you wo n't be reading about the same programs every time you pick up your copy of Practical PC .
27 Why do you panic like a silly girl every time something scares you ?
28 She went to the public baths every day and swam twenty lengths after work .
29 Yeah but they go to somewhere bloody they go to the same place every year and they have a real good time .
30 Young Victor , a Romantic from birth , was excited when the family was given free seats for the theatre for every night of its stay , less excited when he found out that the programme never changed , so that it meant sitting through the same melodrama every night for a month .
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