Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 The tall dark girl got off the London train and as she passed through the barrier at Stowerton station she asked the woman collecting tickets where she could get a taxi .
2 But the older men — forty and upwards — they got off the side walk and paced up and down the road — deferential .
3 He had heard about the Funnell family and the old matriarch when Doctor Rice was giving him a lightning summary of the patients .
4 The arts generally continued to thrive through public subsidy , to orchestral music above all , and new forms of partnership were being developed between the Arts Council and local authorities and industry and finance .
5 erm I think really what erm what should happen is that erm you , with your manager , ought to look at the the erm to establish and agreed job description and in addition to the notes that are are are there erm I have some sample job descriptions from other parts of the Press which have been completed as a framework job and erm we can discuss that in any kind of detail you want .
6 Uttley , Britain 's over-40 Ergo champion ( the Ergo is a form of torture disguised as a rowing machine and beloved of masochists everywhere ) , was in the States to compete in the World Championships .
7 Educated at University College London ( 1879–83 ) in general science , Hatch qualified for the gold medal and Tuffnell scholarship in analytical chemistry in the intermediate science examination in 1881 .
8 Also selected for the first time is batsman Mohsin Chohan , who plays for the Bangor club and has appeared for Caernarfonshire in the past .
9 Although an adjoining area of ground had been purchased for this purpose , it was never developed as a burial ground and its virgin state allowed the Ekarro Housing Co-operative to complement the conversion of All Saints and St Barnabas with a new building , in the style of the surrounding villas , accommodating further flats for co-operative members ( Plate 26 ) .
10 They have allowed their care in the community policy for ex-mental patients to amount to no more than people drifting within a community of hostels , in which one finds people who have fallen through the safety net and ended up homeless on the streets .
11 I mean you , you ask him if he 'd erm arranged for a cement mixer and he said oh no he did n't want to bother , but I thought afterwards that 'll be each one of those holes , he
12 In most cases a date will be given for a directions appointment and this will be endorsed on the copy applications for service on the respondents .
13 On Aug. 29 , 1990 , the government announced drastic energy-saving measures to reduce fuel consumption , including the introduction of rationing vouchers to achieve a 50 and 30 per cent cut in petrol and diesel supplies for the state sector and private vehicles respectively .
14 She also points out the importance of the older person having some privacy however dependent he or she becomes , with a room that can double as a sitting room and includes , if possible , TV , electric kettle , cups , and so on , so that there is an independent place to be .
15 She banged the receiver down so hard the telephone skidded off the bedside table and clattered to the floor .
16 In order to provide a direct comparison between the programs developed for the turnkey system and those for the associative modeller , the same mechanism was analysed on each .
17 Rub through a hair sieve and use a very little vegetable greening to make it a pretty colour .
18 Japanese , it 's a massive one , one er , it 's a thirty thousand gallon erm pond and it 's got , and it goes through a filter box and it 's four and a half tons of erm four and a half tons and that is a lot of
19 I know I 'm so they they eat you see they 've eaten fish and chips and it goes through the air conditioning and it comes into the studio you all you can smell is fish and chips .
20 The end of the halyard goes through the end goes through the end fitting and then we tie a little stopper knot in the end , then we bring the other end of the halyard down and make it up tight on this crease at the bottom of the mast .
21 They may also come to contract for the community health and care services their patients need , taking over from the social services departments or competing with them .
22 ‘ You were right , of course , about it being impossible to carry through the fantasy look and dress Therese as a fairy heroine .
23 In its original thinking for the clearing house scheme , announced last July , the Exchange intended that a management agreement will exist between the clearing house and itself for the use of the Exchange 's existing and projected settlement services .
24 A graduate will be recognized as a licentiate member and will be granted full professional membership after two years ' appropriate management experience .
25 If it travelled up into the skull it might ricochet off the skull table and bed itself in the bone .
26 I lunged for the meth. bottle and caught it before it hit the floor .
27 It is a worrying time for the Cupertino company , but it probably can come through more or less unscathed , simply because people buy Apple kit not for the underlying technology but for what 's on top of it , so provided a happy marriage can be arranged between the PowerPC hardware and Apple 's software , and the thing ends up looking to the user like a Macintosh that is simply faster , more powerful , more easy to use and in all ways better than the 68040-based models , Apple should be able to scrape through — and there is still a Motorola Inc 68060 in the pipeline that Apple can fall back on if everything in the IBM relationship goes awry .
28 Her hands are clasped in the traditional manner , at centre chest with right hand over left , the index finger of the left hand placed between the index finger and thumb of the right , and clasping a bunch of small summer flowers .
29 The next ten years of international arguments about whaling are best known as the period in which many more countries joined or rejoined the IWC , when the Indian Ocean was designated as a whale sanctuary and when the sperm whale was effectively protected after 200 years of exploitation .
30 Where any footway or footpath is open for use by cyclists , it will have been designated as a cycle track and be suitably signposted .
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