Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Even if the vendor is selling the whole of his trade , it seems from Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 8/81 that he can invest the proceeds of sale in acquiring new qualifying assets , as part of a new trade , and this will count as the same trade for roll-over relief purposes , so that his gain on the sale of the assets of the old trade is deferred .
2 Using a brush dipped lightly in purple food colouring ( mixed with a little water for lighter shades ) , colour the windows dark purple and tint the bricks all over the towers different shades of lavender .
3 In particular , the copper phenanthroline hypersensitive bands at positions -4 , -5 , -6 ( Fig. 5 lanes 1 , 3 , 5–10 ) which are characteristic of the unwound DNA structure of the open complex appear with the same intensity for all enzymes .
4 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
5 Whether you have just moved into a new home or have been living in the same place for years the main thing is that you are alone and you must make your home your pride , your joy , your sanctuary .
6 As well as the contents of the official register ( use official form of request for certificate of search ) , search is invariably made at the same time for other information noted on the records of the local authority of which a buyer needs to be informed ( two forms here ; one for London boroughs and one for all other district councils ) .
7 They do not , like other fines , go into the public purse but into the pocket of victims who have already been compensated by the same jury for damage to their reputation .
8 The two rooms in question can be and are still in fact used for the same purpose for which they were used prior to the erection of the staircase .
9 In his definitive book Elgar On Record , Jerrold Northrop Moore says that this item was recorded before the landlines were working ; but the ‘ Woodland Interlude ’ from Caractacus was recorded under his supervision and this item plus the first half of Dream Children was later copied onto the same side for publication .
10 Cholera epidemics happened regularly in my early years , when the filth from one village would be thrown into the river and water drawn from the same river for the villages downstream .
11 They had not slept in the same bed for nearly two years .
12 Strong tea can be used in the same way for a lovely brown colour .
13 If you can afford a magic standard then you can use this to increase the leadership or add to your combat result which amounts to the same thing for the all important break test .
14 But instead of waiting on the same platform for an Edgware train , they made their way up to the British Rail terminus , and in the men 's lavatory the bear got into his bear suit .
15 However , although the resolutions of Congress specified that the revolution in Latin America could only be democratic-bourgeois at this stage , they also said that , because of the weakness of the national bourgeoisie and their links to imperialism , Latin American Communist parties should work at the same time for the eventual dictatorship of the proletariat .
16 It appeared that the extraction could still be used and would be bought at the same price for compounding into cattle food , but not for compounding into poultry food .
17 10% discount for 10 or more tickets bought at the same time for the same event .
18 In addition , the inability to have more than one ‘ page ’ open at the same time for cross-referencing is a definite limitation of the microfilm system for advice work .
19 To reduce the risk of variable staining intensities , Grimelius staining was performed at the same time for all the specimens of one examination year .
20 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
21 A prized garden which has been tended by the same family for sixty years has been wrecked by an out-of-control car .
22 Company commitment and the willingness to remain with the same firm for long periods may therefore be underpinned by the prospect of heavy sacrifices that accompany the alternatives .
23 In picture ( a ) the circuit is behaving as one might guess — the single loop on the screen indicates that the current varies in the same way for every cycle of the source .
24 Most shoplifters give themselves away by constantly looking around at cameras and cashiers or staying in the same area for a long time .
25 Road deaths increased in the UK by six percent to 1250 in the second quarter of 1990 compared to the same period for last year .
26 The fact that a wide number of manufacturers work to the same pattern means that the caterer who is topping up need not return to the same source for the top-up .
27 On a beat , that is with the sheet pulled in tightly but as we turn on to a ridge you 'll see that we have to ease the sheet out so that the sail stays at the same angle for the wind .
28 It began at the same time for both of us , did n't it ?
29 A proxy may not vote at the same election for more than two people unless the proxy is a close relative ie husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild of the people he or she is voting for .
30 Doubtless this wish was at bottom an ideological one , inspired by the same mania for dividing the world into masculine and feminine that is still at work today .
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