Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Under the new arrangements there would be an ‘ intermediaries offer ’ to increase the distribution of new shares by giving private clients priority when they applied for the 25 per cent of the issue that is not distributed by the sponsor in a placing .
2 From the airline 's point of view , the gift ( disguised as an 8.8 per cent investment stake by BNP ) could therefore not have been more conveniently timed .
3 The programme was suspended in January 1991 because of the Gulf crisis , but in February legislation allowing for the 100 per cent privatization ( previously restricted to 49 per cent ) of companies in key sectors secured Parliamentary approval .
4 Four Quartets was recognized as an extraordinary tour de force , however , in which the balance between stylistic adaptation , lyric statement and dramatic narrative had been maintained throughout .
5 According to American projections , these actions will compensate for a 15 per cent increase in emissions of carbon .
6 The Commission had pressed for a 35 per cent reduction , while the latest compromise proposal by the Portuguese government ( which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1992 ) argued for a reduction of 27 per cent .
7 Envisaging a 4 per cent real growth in 1990 , it provided for a 10 per cent reduction in public expenditure , a wage increase for public employees , and the establishment of shops to sell basic items at low cost .
8 It provided for a 3.1 per cent increase in overall spending , to a total of F1,330,360 million , against a predicted inflation rate of 2.8 per cent ( US$1.00=F5.6999 as at Sept. 16 , 1991 ) .
9 I 've wondered whether we ought to separate but every time I bring this up , he cries and then worries about the 50 per cent of ‘ his ’ assets I 'll take with me if I do decide to go !
10 Borders businesses are also likely to benefit as a 17 per cent reduction in water bills is planned .
11 There are only two things you need to know about the new Grand Prix season which kicks off in Kyalami , outside Johannesburg this Sunday .
12 Specialised materials , which Tootal promised would be an engine of growth , has yet to prove its worth , though continued heavy investment could be blamed for a 40 per cent fall in profits .
13 Again , quote Country Living when booking for a 10 per cent discount .
14 For these purposes a business or interest in a business does not qualify for the 100 per cent relief if the business consists wholly or mainly of dealing in securities , stocks or shares , land or buildings or of the making or holding of investments ( IHTA 1984 , s105(3) ) .
15 It is then assumed that these mortality measures correctly reflect more general health ( or morbidity ) differentials and , furthermore , that 10 per cent extra resources are needed to compensate for a 10 per cent excess risk .
16 I used to work for a certain er c er creamery there .
17 This is in contrast to the compulsory sale procedures under CA 1985 , s429 where , although market purchases made before the posting of the offer document can not count towards the 90 per cent threshold , purchases afterwards may be counted provided they do not exceed the offer price .
18 Die Gruenen had dropped below the 5 per cent needed to enter the Bundestag in the last polls .
19 In the late 1989 and 1990 West German elections for the state legislatures , the Republicans ' support sank below the 5 per cent hurdle necessary for parliamentary representation .
20 Consider for example the proposition that the average human possesses one breast and one testicle , a grievous misapplication of statistics no doubt , but less of an affront to logic than the argument of the weather forecaster , seized on by John Allen Paulos : with a 50 per cent chance of rain on Saturday and a 50 per cent chance on Sunday , he declared , ‘ it looks like a 100 per cent chance of rain this weekend ’ .
21 He said the figures for the business rate were much better as expected with a 94.1 per cent collection rate and end of year shortfall of about £850,000 .
22 His statue stands in the delightful Place Royale , above the possessive caption of ‘ Lou Nouste Henric ’ , or ‘ Our Henry ’ in the local Gas con patois .
23 It is characteristic that the more modest member of these august committees fail to recognize themselves as belonging to the Great and Good , a tribe which lives in the great terra incognita of Quangoland .
24 Medium term uses such as electronics ( 10 per cent ) and cars ( 7 per cent ) take up a proportion , while other consumer durables and mechanical engineering uses are included in the 25 per cent going to ‘ other sectors ’ .
25 This tragedy occurred in the last Grand Prix race on the old circuit and was won by James Hunt in a McLaren .
26 The government is committed to a 60 per cent reduction over the same period .
27 But with water shares expected to soar to a 30 per cent premium on the first day of trading , Mrs Ullman 's delay on the Tube could have cost her as much as £150 .
28 That institutions work in this way , contributing to the general status quo , becomes taken for granted by Radcliffe-Brown .
29 I am indebted to our Home Improvements Editor , David Holloway , for providing me with the following information relating to the 2.5 per cent VAT increase announced in the recent Budget .
30 Section three is a consolidated bid equating to the three per cent revenue development requested by Thomason Committee , and all committees earlier this year .
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