Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] time [that] the " in BNC.

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1 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
2 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
3 Olwen did n't know at that time that the commitment was soon to become twenty-four hours a day , seven days a week .
4 It has been felt for some time that the procedure and forms relating to the granting of legal aid in criminal causes could be improved , and the introduction of legal aid in the District Courts has led to the position being scrutinised and a new procedure and application form introduced .
5 He added at this time that the further information was that the occupants of the flat at we were frightened of I also .
6 Critics of the Vienna conference , notably the Tehran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) , had said at that time that the conference should have been held in the region to make it more accessible for the bulk of the exiled opposition .
7 It had been thought at one time that the restriction did not apply to an attack on members of a party as a whole , or where the motive was simply the provision of information and not the demoting of a candidate , but Luft adopts an extensive interpretation of the scope of the provision .
8 My Lords , er the principle of co-option has been described as by a number of Your Lordships as an extension of principal of democracy , but I call on my experience not as er of a year as er Minister for the Police under my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw , but my three years as Minister for the Prison Service er and er in that er service , there was erm in each prison a Board of Prison Visitors and I observed during that time that the membership of the prison population was becoming increasingly black , but that the membership of the er Boards of Prison Governors was remaining stubbornly white and I er put it , I made it then that I thought there should be something to redress this balance er the system is as it were a supervised co-option , the local er Board makes a proposal and the Minister approves or does n't , but also I had to refuse five successive of proposed co-options of white members to an all-white prison board for a prison which was predominantly black in population because it was alleged there were no suitable black people available .
9 It has been known for some time that the majority of fibres from the left and right eyes converge upon single cells in the visual cortex of the cat and monkey ( Hubel and Wiesel , 1967 ) .
10 It has been known for some time that the inactive form of ALDH2 is present in about 50% of Japanese and Chinese and is associated with high acetaldehyde concentrations , an exaggerated flush response to alcohol , and seems to protect against alcoholism .
11 ‘ The decision to print elsewhere was a commercial one , for we have known for some time that the quality of our printing of newspapers leaves a lot to be desired , while our commercial printing side is first class .
12 It has been known for some time that the Inland Revenue has been taking a close interest in the marketing practices of livestock farmers in parts of Wales and the West Country .
13 Colleagues in local government have been saying for some time that the Government have said that , at some point , the revenue collection services in local authorities would be privatised and would go out to tender .
14 We warned at that time that the underlying quality of these products was questionable but that they might nonetheless enjoy success because quality or lack of it is not apparent in the external appearance of the products .
15 I expect that not only can the hon. Gentleman remember that , but that he will recall that we warned at that time that the reforms were illusory and would not work .
16 I also realised at that time that the future had little meaning for me .
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