Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was also planned to rationalise operations in the UK , but Mr Heneaghan gave an assurance that Edinburgh , where his company employs five people , would remain as headquarters for the combined operation .
2 And their next four home matches could all be full houses as Roker fans , clamouring for tickets for the 80,000 sell-out final against Liverpool or Portsmouth , try to make sure of their Wembley places .
3 Deng was reported to have been particularly incensed by an attack on the country 's five special economic zones ( SEZs ) , widely regarded as showcases for the reformist line .
4 He has impressed as stand-in for the injured Tommy Wright .
5 Both Major and Hurd were then immediately nominated as candidates for the second round , while Heseltine was also renominated .
6 In a healthy democracy the discussions of the representative assembly will as it were act as chairman for the multifarious informal discussion of the nation as a whole , and the measure of the successful working of democracy is the extent to which the voting of the ordinary man and woman has been informed by this widely diffused public discussion .
7 Equation ( 2.2 ) in Table 2 reports the equivalent IV estimates for equation ( 2.1 ) with fitted values and lagged fitted values from ( 1.1 ) used as instruments for the expected return terms .
8 They 're going overland by motorbike ; it 's all in aid of SNAP the charity that stands for Support for the Sick Newborn and their Parents at the John Radcliffe Hospital .
9 Under a new law , proposed during the fifth session of the eighth National Assembly ( which convened in Hanoi on June 20-30 , 1989 ) , non-CPV members were allowed to stand as candidates for the first time .
10 Wilcox looked startled , caught off balance for the first time .
11 A panel of subscribers on whom we tested a dummy issue was torn between fondness for the old style and revolutionary zeal , the revolutionaries being in a clear majority .
12 She might have agreed with my friend Roger Hinks — who , after his unmerited disgrace over the too energetic cleaning of the Elgin Marbles , left the British Museum to work for years for the British Council — that the compensation for having acquaintances is that we can make game of them with our friends .
13 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
14 THE QUESTION of just who would even want to be a partner with the US was underlined last night as the American Administration headed for default for the first time in its history .
15 Peter has with CCG for the past 2 years and also has 20 years experience in servicing ‘ blue chip ’ clients and business development .
16 How can the erotic stirring for Aeneas be ‘ new ’ , when it is explicitly saturated with sentiment for the old , the dead , for ‘ Sicheus ’ ?
17 Waverley 's opening statement came from vice-chair Michele Munro , who said the trust board felt it was time to offer the benefits former Scottish Homes tenants in the Borders had enjoyed with Waverley for the last four years to Tweeddale tenants .
18 The pill for such development is often sweetened with promises for the local people .
19 Each is adorned with silken cloths and has its tusks shod with iron for the greater efficacy of killing criminals .
20 Prime Minister Vitold Fokin had come under criticism for the slow pace of economic reforms , but survived on June 3 , by 168 votes to 154 , a motion calling for a vote of no confidence ( brought by the Republican Party and the New Ukraine deputies , consisting of the Democratic Renewal Party , Social Democrats and other groups ) .
21 As India 's leading political parties shift into gear for the forthcoming general election campaign , no fewer than three of the ex-Maharajah 's once-royal relatives are jostling for the right to contest the Bharatpur seat .
22 He was not only widely respected as a critic but also regarded with affection for the genuine humility which made him always interested in others ' opinions .
23 Ernst Richter was the latest recruit from the academy , having arrived the previous day , and he had been assigned to work with Mauer for the first month so that his temperament and personality could be assessed to ensure that later on he would be paired with the right partner .
24 Death or injury lies in wait for the imprudent in Brobdingnagian chasms below .
25 The proportion of women having just two children , for example , rose from 28% for the 1920s generation to 43% for those born in 1945 .
26 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
27 Something more than a vote was expected in return for the major posts , but essentially they too were employed to aid the development of a political interest .
28 As a juvenile romanticist Kingston , like his contemporary Ballantyne , used the device of the intrusive author accepted in his time and , besides , the didacticism expected in books for the young , didacticism made easier by the continuity and the extent of time afforded by serial publication in the boys ' magazines of the period .
29 Physical gratification often plays a contributing role in the exercise of persuasion : what does the marketing manager expect in return for the expensive lunch she 's buying you ?
30 The number of jobless in Britain rose in April for the 13th consecutive month , bringing the unemployment rate to 7.6% .
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