Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] [coord] at the " in BNC.

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1 After his father died in 1835 , leaving the business to him , he remained in Liverpool until 1841 , when he moved to Manchester and at the same time entered into partnership with another Liverpool optician under the name Abraham & Dancer .
2 At one of these plants the coatings are dominated by ICI and at the other Taubmans supplies the metallic topcoats .
3 Throughout the day trained police negotiators kept up a dialogue with Mr Say by telephone and at the door of the bungalow .
4 I was just going to say , I was just saying , that I saw the posters that erm parents and carers should erm , go along to talk about parenting and at the bottom it said , erm , will be selling multi-racial toys and dolls and things like that .
5 The CPAG itself has chosen to define those earning less than 140 per cent of SB as ‘ living in poverty or at the margins of poverty ’ .
6 In the past , testing was directed at proteins made by cells or at the structures of cells .
7 She frowned in concentration but at the same time she suddenly looked very tired , as though she should stop and sit down .
8 It is clear , however , that political historians can not afford to confine their attention to the goings-on at Westminster or St James 's , and that the history of party under the later Stuarts is as much about the divisions that emerged in society at large as it is about what happened in Parliament or at the royal Court .
9 Salt should not be used in cooking or at the table .
10 We open on Thursday and at the moment we 've made about as much noise as a fart in a hurricane . ’
11 Nivelle Elite , who all sired some excellent stock , some of which was exported to Australia and at the time of writing , has taken Best in Show at Club Championship Show level .
12 Other mountain belts such as the Andes are also produced by subduction but at the boundary of continent and ocean floor , which have very different geological character .
13 Their natural reaction to this is to shed leaves , to cut maintenance back to the essential main frame as it were , and this may happen during August or at the beginning of September , long before the frosts which generally trigger leaf fall .
14 Trading profits at the hotels halved to £75m and at the restaurants profits fell 15 p.c. to £63m .
15 But apart from that he , he was a , he was er humorous too by nature and er he was , he was quite free in as much as if you made an approach to him , and he understood that you were n't there just for fun , he would set up a meeting and discuss it with you , er and go into details and at the same time , give you an answer at the earliest possible moment .
16 The advantage of this self-imposed discipline is that it forces you deliberately to do all that is involved in learning from experience and at the same time markedly increases the lessons learned from your various activities .
17 It has a nave of five bays with stilted Saracenic arches ; the dome is supported on squinches and at the east end are three apses .
18 If we wind the table up another 6 places , 6 more teams who could be fighting for promotion and at the Manor tomorrow , it is Oxford take versus Grimsby .
19 The suggestions of their Grand Visitor were immediately put into effect and at the meeting £1,597 was subscribed .
20 Thus politicians may say whatever they choose in Parliament or at the proceedings of select committees ( see Chapter 9 ) .
21 23.1 If any dispute or difference arises between the Parties hereto in connection with or arising out of the Agreement and provided that either of them shall have given notice in writing thereof , the Parties shall try to reach an agreement by negotiating in goodwill and at the highest level .
22 Success in exporting is largely based on good quality products delivered on time and at the right price .
23 Success in exporting is largely based on good quality products delivered on time and at the right price .
24 The boy often went to stay at Ely and at the age of 8 could be observed giving strangers a guided tour .
25 I was shouting and screaming for help and at the same time taking off my coat and wellingtons , preparing to jump in after her .
26 This tree consists only of words that partake in compounds and at the leaf nodes are the indices relating to the disk address of the lexical information .
27 Peter 's hair is cropped on top and at the sides , but cascades over his floppy jumper at the back .
28 How far the referral information received ( and categorized on the initial referral form ) was substantiated on investigation or at the outcome to the referral .
29 In Scotland , Irish imports were banned , and after the Union in 1707 the total ban on European imports extended to Scotland and at the same time free trade between England and Scotland was allowed .
30 Whether shifts changed in place or at the surface was thus a matter of some importance .
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