Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] for the first time " in BNC.

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1 As The Lord of the Rings was coming to the end of its gestation it became possible for the first time for political leaders to say they wanted nothing and make it come true .
2 Last Thursday their problems became public for the first time when Allen began a legal battle for custody of three of their children .
3 Council goes public for the first time
4 The conversion into owner-farmers of those who had hitherto been tenants or agricultural labourers provided many for the first time with genuine prospects of making a decent living , unburdened by debts , high rents or heavy taxes .
5 In their latest show , ‘ New Democratic Pictures ’ ( the first in Britain for three years ) , Gilbert and George ( who often appear alongside their exclusively male models ) pose naked for the first time .
6 She told Susan about her encounter when she gave her the humbugs , and the elder sister seemed interested for the first time that evening .
7 And their answers are startling as they frankly reveal all for the first time .
8 Finally , especially if you are living alone for the first time , invest in some small cooking dishes and fridge/freezer containers .
9 Relatives often seem to feel that they do not need to bring a contribution , unless , of course , you are young , living alone for the first time and being visited by your mother , in which case she will probably bring a month 's supply of food and wash up for you as well !
10 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
11 He it was who rescued a number of precious unpublished test recordings from private collections , and caused them to be made available for the first time .
12 With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls , however , a corpus of Essene material was made available for the first time , and it is now possible to assess the Essenes on their own terms .
13 Carlsbad , California-based Stac Electronics Inc is meeting the challenge of the built-in data compression in MS-DOS 6.0 , formally launched by Microsoft Corp yesterday with its own new Stacker 3.1 for Windows and MS-DOS : the company says the new version achieves new levels of safety and ease of use by taking advantage of special operating system features available for the first time in MS-DOS 6.0 ; when loaded , it replaces Microsoft 's DoubleSpace , and integrates the Stacker LZS compression into the operating system , and Stac claims that unlike DoubleSpace , which is based on data compression technology licensed from Vertisoft Systems Inc , $150 Stacker 3.1 is also fully compatible with earlier MS-DOSes .
14 BRITAIN 'S most bitter boxing rivals bawled it out during a chance encounter in London yesterday when Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank came face-to-face for the first time in 25 months since their epic world title fight .
15 Since the commission was set up in the First World War they in nineteen ninety five they said it would break even for the first time and agreed the last and thirties and forty come to maturity in which incomes are expected to double by twenty , twenty two .
16 Go and get a good night 's sleep , love , ’ ‘ Patricia ’ urged , sounding honest for the first time that evening .
17 Demand is growing , so the sight of wild boar wallowing in the mud could become commonplace for the first time since the sixteenth century .
18 The rule is expected to come into force in 1988 when post-1939 buildings will become eligible for the first time .
19 And after scoring four for the first time in a European game , he said : ‘ I 'm proud and privileged to break such a great player 's record .
20 Tokyo touched 26000 for the first time since last August .
21 One January 20 , he promises the front door of the White House will swing open for the first time in nearly 30 years , as Bill , wife Hilary and 12-year-old daughter Chelsea pop down to McDonald 's and do a little shopping .
22 Erteco , for example , broke even for the first time only last year .
23 Meanwhile , in Bosnia the heads of its three warring armies met face-to-face for the first time yesterday and signed a ceasefire deal for the whole republic .
24 Financial compensation became available for the first time for criminal injuries ; the community service order raised hopes as an alternative to custody ; and an elaborate system of parole , later greatly expanded , was instituted .
25 Their report , published by the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , draws on climate data made available for the first time to the West by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .
26 They believe it will mean that for the first time in El Salvador 's history , there will be genuine political freedom .
27 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
28 How did you say you felt free for the first time in your life ?
29 She looked interested for the first time .
30 He felt uneasy for the first time ever , a prickling at the back of his neck , a sense of personal danger .
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