Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] was [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Theodora realised this was rather a lame attempt on her part to steer clear of what was increasingly looking like a nasty piece of wreckage .
2 Frightened , but believing this was only a passing sense of panic , Monika ran to the church hoping she could calm him .
3 I would have thought this was rather an enlightening view to take , but Semites erm , but there we are .
4 He is often lambasted for his failure to give the works he conducts structural cohesion ; I have never thought this was either a fair or a perceptive criticism .
5 They had had £10 : 1s. : 0d. advanced to them but divided between the two men for the 2½ months labour that was scarcely a good wage … average perhaps .
6 The midwife said to me , ‘ This child has been on this earth before ’ and I thought that was rather an odd thing to say , but the midwife seemed quite adamant .
7 Denise said she would n't buy erm the Nescafe because of the baby milk you see , so I thought that was slightly a different topic t er to the one we were asking about fair trade .
8 Please continue to send papers for any relevant meetings and an attempt will be made to respond to appropriate issues , if there is any specific topic you wish to be considered , please do not hesitate to get in touch so I thought that was quite a nice letter seeing as I practically read them all
9 Dr Kallman of the Osborn Laboratory in New York felt this was probably an unwarranted addition to the list as its range had not been fully studies .
10 She would rather talk to Pilade though she knew this was only a sophisticated way of talking to herself .
11 I thought this was rather a shrewd point .
12 Although the Australians thought this was purely a morale-boosting ploy , in thick cover over difficult terrain or at night , the commandos would use a similar tactic with good reason — as no doubt the Japanese did — in distinguishing friend from foe .
13 We had run one in an earlier year , erm , I think that was slightly a different type , but that , er , the idea was the same .
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