Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] of [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If most of what was sometimes called ‘ the payroll vote ’ attended , the critics would have to carry seven-tenths of the backbenchers and if this had ever happened , the press would have treated it as a total collapse of confidence in the government .
2 The Fire Exhibition displays some of the discoveries that were made during the repairs .
3 You should have heard some of the stories that went round when you first came to Easton …
4 We have a great deal of sympathy er but whereas I do n't think some of the ideas that have been floated tonight for a Cornwall and Gibraltar West seat er or erm any kind of link up between Cornwall and any tail end of a Welsh seat we do n't think is practical and I think he 's got ta solve this problem er within the confines of Cornwall being regarded as part of England if not Anglo Saxon .
5 And do n't forget that this year 's show includes a Vintage & Collectable section , where you will be able to see some of the instruments that until now have featured only in your dreams !
6 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
7 Er on this occasion we would like to see some of the savings that were made recycled in the passenger transport area .
8 On the eve of war it was desirable to heal some of the wounds that still remained from the convulsions of the 1320s .
9 But even this did n't dispel some of the confusions that I was feeling .
10 Well I suppose he might have asked some of the fitters , but I doubt it somehow seeing some of the acquisitions that he made from Llanberis when they were closing down there .
11 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
12 Two examples of these very different approaches , one concerned with community control of adult education the other with strengthening community and collective action , will , I hope , highlight some of the problems and difficulties , some of the tensions and contradictions in these efforts to reach the working-class with relevant education .
13 In this issue of Health Action we highlight some of the challenges that arise in the collection and use of information and some of the experiences of people who are trying to meet those challenges .
14 The changes that have occurred since 1979 in the pattern of long term care for older people in Leicestershire , above and beyond the aging of the general population , highlight some of the challenges that many local authorities face in implementing the final phase of the ‘ Caring for People ’ community care reforms .
15 In this section we highlight some of the issues that arise in industrial policy .
16 Write briefly on how you would explain some of the tasks that have to be carried out :
17 Her approach to academic seminars would seem to confirm some of the claims that she was totally out of her depth when it came to discussing the new discoveries which she had allegedly made .
18 And Oxford 's John Radcliffe Hospital is ready to treat some of the children and adults .
19 Margaret befriends some of the workers and shows compassion for their sufferings , but when the crunch comes she is on the side of the master .
20 An ‘ Inner Windsurfing ’ approach has yet to be fully developed , but we can benefit by using some of the ideas and assumptions .
21 Yes , yes a and erm oh yes I mean some of the things that , especially the er the more senior people now th those people on the erm programme last night , did you see it ?
22 By the late 1980s , Action for Cities ( HMSO , 1988a ) , identified at least twelve separate interventions , although some of these were insignificant in resources terms and not all observers would regard some of the programmes as intrinsic to the inner cities .
23 In this chapter , I would like to try to explain some of the laws and customs of my people , particularly with regard to women and marriage , and dispel some of the myths and fairy stories which had totally misled me .
24 Shaved , shorn and bewigged , Simon Lay struts his forbidden stuff and upstages some of the girls but the deed is far more convincing than the intention .
25 The national crèche scheme , if it is adopted , will aim to support some of the crèches that are hardest to fund with money from other areas .
26 Eventually I asked him how he had become a Christian and why he had believed , and then asked him how he would answer some of the questions that his visit to a French university was bound to raise .
27 It would be very interesting to know more , and a look at the ‘ Shrewsbury Chronicle ’ for late 1871 and early 1872 might answer some of the questions that the report raises .
28 In elections to rural councils independent candidates won two-thirds of the seats and 80 per cent of mayorships .
29 Together they watched across the old gravestones as Ted Hammond waited patiently by the lychgate , thanking each of the mourners as they left .
30 The joint statement that had been issued by the two leaders at Geneva also addressed some of the issues that had arisen in the arms control negotiations .
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