Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Office were keeping tight-lipped and waiting for a final decision to be made known today or tomorrow .
2 He seemed embarrassed and stammered for the first time in his English .
3 Ring for a doctor straightaway , or dial 999 and ask for an ambulance
4 The latrines were proclaimed disgusting and abandoned for the privacy of open spaces , and the red bitch continued to lick out the dirty dishes before Mina swilled them cursorily with river water .
5 He prepared the altar for Mass , opened the-door and waited for the small trickle of his congregation to enter .
6 She turned white and rang for a doctor .
7 He also spoke of lying awake and listening for the flying bombs , and noting the difference in volume between one explosion and another , and then , on hearing one more definite in sound , concluding that , as in the old artillery box-barrage , they had at last ‘ got the range ’ .
8 You may be asked to " begin note-making and reading for an essay/class discussion on the reasons for Labour 's 1945 election victory " .
9 All the signs are that somewhere there is a warehouse full of unwanted red-blue 3D specs , going cheap and looking for an alternative use .
10 To achieve this , individuals remain awake and seated for a full 24 hours ( the time for the rhythm to show a full cycle ) and the way they spend their time is as constant as possible .
11 If he pleads guilty and begs for the mercy of the court , he may get off with a fine and deportation .
12 She swallowed hard and waited for the ringing in her head to clear and for the room to steady once more , then , summoning all of her courage , she looked at him with icy contempt .
13 He swallowed hard and headed for the door that opened out into the hall .
14 Detectives have appealed for anyone who saw the silver Cavalier , registration number WIJ 3762 , to phone 650222 and ask for the incident room at Woodbourne RUC station .
15 Keep weeded and watered for the rest of the summer , then move to their flowering positions in the autumn .
16 Keep fit and run for the charity which values your contribution
17 Keep fit and run for the charity which values your contribution
18 The first two channels are very shallow , not canoeable ; keep left and watch for the cutback channel ( not obvious ) approx 3ft wide .
19 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
20 News on the Rialto is that the marker price at which IBM Corp is doing deals is $45,000 per MIPS — and our New York associate Technology News of America hears German users are sitting tight and waiting for the price to hit $40,000 per MIPS .
21 They would like to be able to be caring within limits , and without the fear that they might get overwhelmed or taken for a ride .
22 Ooh I 'll carry on watching this and go for a bloody shower !
23 At five hundred feet he banked hard and headed for the balloons .
24 Avoid these and go for the grilled items — possibles are poussins or chicken breast , game such as pheasant , partridge or guinea fowl , or , if you do n't have ethical qualms , lean veal .
25 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
26 ‘ We 'll sit tight and wait for the storm to blow itself out . ’
27 A further uncertainty is whether a legislative text remains ambiguous or obscure for the purposes of the relaxed exclusionary rule once it has been judicially interpreted or construed .
28 The change in employment may not always be so favourable as yesterday 's either , but the market is now starting to feel bullish and looking for a FT-SE of 3,000 by next year .
29 You could take home just a few to cut open and look for the young larva or larvae , as in some types of gall there is always more than one larva , each in its own separate section .
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