Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 What price seeing some cricket at the Olympics ?
2 So did you enjoy that film at the pictures then ?
3 Tap New line at the ends of the first lines of the two-line quotes
4 Wilder will be the first black governor in American history and the union endorsed him believing that he will ensure fairer treatment at the hands of state officials .
5 I assembled the studwork by laying all the sections flat on the lawn , and nailing them together , then added extra bracing at the ends — once the diagonals had been checked , and the panels pronounced square .
6 During the five-day hearing , the jury heard Mrs Swami suffered frequent mistreatment at the princesses ' house in Bathurst Street , Bayswater , London , between 1980 and 1983 .
7 The Scheme has been successful in contributing to the increase in the proportion of suspects who receive legal advice at the police station , although that proportion is still relatively low .
8 Particularly in the case of partners , the one doing the caring may sometimes feel considerable resentment at the changes in the relationship and the demands made , and then suffer guilt because of this .
9 After all , " he added , smiling at Grace as she brought in another pot of tea , " my poor bewildered senses have already suffered one assault at the hands of your delicious mother . "
10 In practice however , this is generally an unsatisfactory arrangement since the grips damage the metal and cause premature failure at the ends so that the result is unreliable .
11 Sandinista supporters occupied radio stations and municipal buildings throughout the country , including the mayor 's office and the conservative Radio Corporation in the capital Managua , and several bomb explosions caused minor damage at the homes and offices of several right-wing politicians and parties in what appeared to be a co-ordinated attack .
12 With the first test against the West Indies just two days away , and after the humiliation suffered last summer at the hands of the Aussies , in regaining the ashes , the Test and County Cricket Board has launched a scheme of excellence so that the country 's test prospects can be spotted that much earlier .
13 ‘ Verderers camped last night at the Five-wents .
14 What it does is it means that there is a proper look each year at the finances of each individual firm er and er if there are things which are wrong , they are reported straight away and that really I think is the lesser of all of this with B C C I , er that er where things are not all they should be that they are dealt with and they are reported quickly and these orders , Madam Deputy Speaker , go a long way to helping to ensure that and for that reason I believe the house should warmly welcome them .
15 In May 1945 Germany faced complete defeat at the hands of the Allies .
16 He feels that there is plenty of cricket left in him and , amid all the rumours and quotes about ‘ fuel in the tank ’ , he is not likely to relinquish his role with England until he has had another crack at the Ashes .
17 He feels that there is plenty of cricket left in him and , amid all the rumours and quotes about ‘ fuel in the tank ’ , he is not likely to relinquish his role with England until he has had another crack at the Ashes .
18 After he had told this tale at the hearings , Representative Tom Foley asked him : ‘ Those were not normal public actions , were they ? ’
19 But when having finished I switched it off again , I could see early daylight at the edges of the curtains .
20 They give better support at the edges than a sprung base so they 're a practical choice if you tend to sit on the bed .
21 The loyal few who paid full price at the turnstiles deserved better , but the real losers were Sheffield Eagles , who wanted a tour game and would have used the opportunity much more imaginatively .
22 There was a group of children in our sample who either because they could still remember harsh treatment at the hands of a parent , or because their parents had themselves ceased contact , deserted them , or showed no interest in them , had no desire to meet the parents or maintain a link .
23 The timing of notices was determined by the fact that all tenants will be protected by the Landlord and Tenant ( Licensed Premises ) Act 1990 by July 1992 as a result of the legislation that we enacted last year at the tenants ' request .
24 SHOPS in Airdrie town centre , where a video camera surveillance system was introduced five months ago , are reporting booming business at the weekends , up 20-25 per cent in one case .
25 When anyone dies or suffers physical injury at the hands of a motorist who is not covered by third party insurance , the MIB steps in and compensates the victim .
26 PHCNs in their role of providing clinical care at the clinics need to be clinically competent .
27 It is vital to tap New line at the ends of lines in tables .
28 But it is unlikely to be an accurate assessment , because shot and mortally wounded whales , unlike harpooned ones , can escape and die without being retrieved and , of course , are not counted against the quota — in fact as many as 1000 narwhals may die each year at the hands of Canadian hunters .
29 SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL : Your child could be suffering sexual abuse at the hands of her teachers .
30 She has not only suffered the anguish of over a quarter of a century of separation from her husband , but has also experienced unending persecution at the hands of the regime , such as banishment , Imprisonment , torture and sustained harassment over a period of more than two decades .
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