Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It only remains for me to thank everyone who made this year both a pleasure and a challenge for me .
2 The agents who remained operated a skeleton service for several constituencies , with the salary shared out too ; they visited each office once a week to answer letters and transact routine business ; the Annual Report for the Yorkshire Area for 1916–17 claimed " we still say no offices entirely closed " but this was no longer a realistic picture of party activity .
3 I still found the argument extraordinary , but I also had to take into account the fact that if Nigel retained this stance then the committee meeting would have to be postponed and the whole exercise would get off to a terrible start .
4 Where the coast has deep water offshore a fall in base level means the formation of a vertical or very steep cliff .
5 A very simple ( and true ) illustration of this point arose in one accident where a BOAC pilot died flying his own privately owned small aeroplane only the day after he had landed his Boeing 707 full of passengers at Heathrow .
6 They are luckier than , say , Merseyside , which can mobilise in defence of the equally or more hard-hit local interest only the memory of the Beatles , of generations of Scouse comedians and the proud tradition of its rival football teams , while taking care to keep away from anything that reminds its inhabitants too obviously of the divisive colours Orange and Green .
7 The SCFW also discloses the change in financial wealth for the period , which represents comprehensive income less the amount of distributions to owners .
8 It was no less astonishing that she should find room on her emaciated body to engrave in it , by her discipline , the wounds of the son of God … she gave herself such blows that her blood sprinkled the wails … and as she practised this penance daily every night she reopened her bleeding wounds by making new ones …
9 I 've heard this film , seen this film quite a number of times and it really is good .
10 North facing rooms receive less light so a carpet with rich colours will make the room feel warmer .
11 The manager may only see each volunteer once a week and should the manager be out of the bureau on that occasion , two weeks may pass .
12 You have to have all those ingredients and then you must drive at the top of your ability and sustain that level right the way through the Championship .
13 Existing on a small pension , Doris ca n't afford a fridge and has to buy fresh food nearly every day .
14 As you say sho showed great courage there the kid did n't he ?
15 So you had to have , in that day erm , about five men to cover one bus right the way through , can you just a moment .
16 Too frequently I have made the mistake of buying fresh food once a week and either running out of organisational steam halfway through the week , so all the meals I had planned to cook have fallen by the wayside , or being held up at work or in some other way and grabbing fish and chips on the way home instead .
17 This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than I had planned , despite my having completed my packing and loaded the ford with all necessary items well before eight o'clock .
18 I got the impression that he had had to use this look rather a lot lately .
19 ‘ When I took over the club from Connelly I agreed to give old Giuseppe there a job , ’ he explained .
20 ‘ I think it has affected corporate behaviour quite a lot .
21 In Minton 's case the attraction was the opportunity to do one day less a week than he had done at Camberwell or Central .
22 Lights are on 12 hours per day , I do a 20 per cent water change fortnightly and feed frozen food once a day .
23 The cause of that sinking must be a peril insured i.e. when a vessel is reported sunk by heavy weather and the weather conditions do not indicate severe storm then the claim should be very carefully scrutinised .
24 That does n't seem to me to be a very satisfactory way of detecting that these systems were n't working and with such complex systems as we 've got such as the system , it would take one person quite a number of minutes , if not hours , to check all the lights so I very much recommend this system and I should I suppose declare an interest when you start to talk about bulbs
25 If the theory which states that all errors of law are jurisdictional really does gain general acceptance then the distinction between law and fact will be vital .
26 With it has sprung a variety of names and product descriptions with some of the more common being ‘ germicidal detergent ’ ; ‘ detergent sanitiser ’ ; ‘ detergent sterilant ’ and the simple ‘ sterilant ’ These titles and any combination thereof all mean one thing namely a sanitiser .
27 If you can not reach rocky shore then the salt marshes around the coast can offer a wide range of interest in their plant and bird life .
28 Later cases have also insisted that if an employee is to be prevented from working in that area in which he has gained great expertise then the covenant is unlikely to be upheld .
29 If she 'd done the job herself she 'd doubtless by now be sporting more paint then the ceiling , but he 'd managed to avoid almost all the splashes .
30 Without becoming enmeshed in too much technical detail , the Act took one step further the policy changes initiated by the 1980 Act which created assured tenancies and shorthold tenancies .
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