Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The booklet made clear that only households with children , who had no home of their own , or elderly people needing warden-assisted accommodation , had any chance of being rehoused .
2 There are 5 arm spines obscured by thick skin ; when denuded they appear glossy and quite rugose with large secondary points along the shaft of the spine .
3 Although there are only 15 contractors , they have between them 50-odd transmitters , each of which needs two copies of the commercial ( at least ) , so allowing for your own copies and back-up stock , you will need 115 or so bulks for a national campaign .
4 The rhetoric of most Third World governments and radical researchers on the damage done by FDI in general and specific TNCs in particular , seems at odds with the almost universal scramble of these same Third World governments advised by ( in some cases ) the same radical researchers to create policies to attract more and more FDI into their countries .
5 But the invitation has now been widened to include 100 or so members of parliament , partly because of their new willingness to negotiate , partly to counter-balance the heads of 11 of Russia 's 19 semi-autonomous republics who have already rejected the draft .
6 Below them in the urban hierarchy came 100 or so towns with between 1,500 to 7,000 people each .
7 After retirement these expectations may no longer even be relevant , yet habits die hard and probably patterns of caring have already been established which will go on exerting an influence even though there is no longer any need .
8 Although the original intention was to devote every Thursday morning during the autumn term to the project , the time spent each week was less than a morning as pupils from Sutton School had to be transported one and half miles to Russells Hall , and other events such as school assemblies delayed the start each Thursday .
9 But the reality was that the RPF had needed 200 or so seats to be in a position to force through constitutional reform and the return of de Gaulle .
10 The necessity to provide enough material to fill 20 or so pages of Tinsley 's Magazine each month exerted its own pressure , forcing him to fall back on recent autobiographical and architectural experiences , but appropriately when the novel appeared in book-form in May 1873 to favourable reviews it was the first to bear his name on the title-page .
11 During a stay in Italy de Superville produced 2,500 or so drawings of Tuscan , Umbrian and Roman works of art , intended to be used as illustrations for a history of art .
12 that is a luxury I think erm to be able to do it , if you want to write and earn money , which I do as well as , as socialize while I 'm working erm you 've got to find ways of , of , of doing that and erm just writing books and poetry just would n't , I , I , I could n't survive on that , I really do have to find other ways of , of earning money which is enjoying more and also uses of my skill and erm I would think you 'd need to be in contact with the situation rather than you not knowing , being able to write about that .
13 The problem for Foucault is that this argument involves more than just madness as such , for it really amounts to a questioning of the very possibility of critique .
14 This seems reasonable and about 50% of these are situated on the Tyne .
15 The herb subformation involves one or both species of flowering plants , usually in combination with mosses .
16 Her heart had been beating fast and her hands were shaking , but as he kissed her and his body pressed close against hers , the length of his body hard against hers , those signs of fear gradually ceased and she grew weak and curiously fluid in his arms .
17 ‘ Even so ’ , said W.R. Cornish and G. de N. Clark in their Law and Society in England 1750–1950 , ‘ there was a growing feeling that a system which sent 10,000 or so debtors into prisons each year ( a quarter or more on the mesne process ) was too expensive , too indiscriminate , too open to abuse and overweening pressure . ’
18 He went the long way home , but did not go down the little gang plank to the barge of a friend of his — a woman who kept ten or so cats on board and brewed some awful drink out of peaches .
19 Pour about two inches of this mixture into a shallow tray and submerge 50 or so lengths of reed at a time .
20 But the former lead singer for the soul group The Three Degrees ( remember ‘ When Will I See You Again' ? ) stood firm in her conviction that the development of black American cookery from plantation scraps to mainstream classics merits more than just lists of ingredients .
21 Officers stood guard at the gates of the cemetery , making sure that only members of the official funeral cortege entered to attend the burial service .
22 In the 1980s Soviet and DRA leaders have persistently claimed that Afghanistan remains non-aligned whatever its bilateral links with the Soviet Union ( and this is meant to imply more than just membership in the Non-Aligned Movement ) .
23 Leslie wrote 100 or so part-songs for the choir , including ‘ O Memory ’ , ‘ The Pilgrims ’ , and ‘ Annabelle Lee ’ , which became best sellers .
24 De Gaulle 's foul temper in the days immediately before and after the Normandy landings reflected more than just annoyance at the exclusion of his movement : he was still confident that events were moving in his favour , but the huge imponderable of American intentions remained a source of concern .
25 I 'd hoped she 'd just pick me up and we 'd be on our way , but Ash had n't seen Aunt Ilsa for a long time and insisted on exchanging more than just pleasantries with her and Mr G.
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