Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The panel did n't review supermodel Cindy Crawford 's new video which has already come under fire in some fitness circles but Mr Dickinson adds : ‘ It clearly contains some of the exercises the panel had elsewhere criticised as outdated ’ .
2 To create an experiment which yielded the maximum information without becoming boring for the subjects the design is slightly altered from that used in Studies 2 and 3 .
3 Lee used nothing but this disc to carve the piece with an angle grinder , and he describes some of the effects the tool can achieve .
4 In the mid-1950s , when the private sector finance houses were increasing their facilities for private retailers , the Government withheld some of the funds the Boards requested for developing their own hire purchase schemes , thus further hobbling them against the competition .
5 Ryan raises one of the questions the movie will have to answer in order to be successful : whether or not creativity gives you a licence to search and destroy .
6 Calandrini 's excellent contacts with leading Puritans , such as William Kiffin and Sidrach Simpson [ qq.v. ] , helped to ease many of the difficulties the Dutch community in London faced during the turbulent 1640s .
7 Richard Coburn was wearing one of the T-shirts the day police arrested him .
8 On the parents ' separation the mother initially left the four children of the marriage with the father in the former matrimonial home but on her subsequently removing one of the children the father applied ex parte for orders , including a residence order , a prohibited steps order and a specific issue order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 requiring her to return the child and directing her not to remove any of the children from the father 's care and control .
9 I know two of the names the third , I do
10 But if you hammered you had to careful to miss the joints : the felloes were dowelled together and if you hit one of the joints the wrong way , the dowel was certain to break .
11 As I grew up in Kensal Green — which is just up the road from Ladbroke Grove — it became one of the areas the first wave of black immigrants came to .
12 All three of these involve some technique by which after hearing each of the adjectives the subject decides whether the target person appears positive or negative in his/her favour and by what degree .
13 The government went some way towards implementing some of the measures the Reports proposed in common , due largely to Winston Churchill 's initiative .
14 By substituting some of the layers the mineral can be delaminated and the platelets kept apart physically .
15 He felt that the appraisal would highlight some of the problems the school was faced with , in particular the change in the intake from white middle class to multi-ethnic and with a growing proportion of pupils with learning difficulties .
16 Notwithstanding such notable achievements I share some of the reservations the authors express about Wentwood Education .
17 Two examples illustrate some of the dilemmas the strategy has exposed and the policies initiated to deal with them .
18 They illustrate some of the problems the policeman/anthropologist faces when he sets out to describe and interpret police culture , for he must — if the ethnography is to count — reveal hidden aspects of the relationships of power which are an integral aspect of this institution of state .
19 I think one of the things the American companies often do is that , rather than set up on a green field site , they often buy into an existing company , erm , and therefore it 's , it 's , it 's a , it 's a somewhat different form of investment to the
20 Yes , I think one of the mistakes the Germans made erm was to try to take territory in Europe .
21 As the holiday-maker travels further and learns more of the possibilities the world has to offer through travel books , magazines and television , travel companies are creating more and more imaginative and flexible packages .
22 Steve will then er arrange one of the days the most convenient to himself and Mr , and since Lynn and Peter are able to accommodate eith any of those three dates , we 'll circulate to other councillors er if anybody else is interested in commenting or providing information .
23 I feel certain that many non-disabled adults would find some of the journeys the students learnt to undertake quite a challenge with only rural public transport to depend on .
24 In the boot , police discover many of the clothes the pair tried on ( ’ Gosh , officer I do n't know how they got there , ’ says one ) , and their bulging Filofaxes contain lists of past shoplifting conquests and future targets .
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