Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [subord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not necessary , however , to see this change as predominantly the result of changes in the organisation of their manufacture .
2 Councillor Sandra Plummer from Camden and the Socialist Lesbian Group , speaking in one of the plenary sessions , argued that socialists have got to stop seeing lesbian liberation as just a civil liberties issue .
3 Er right so as I say it 's a lighthearted approach and on christian name terms and with that in mind would you detach one of these and just stick your name on so that at least if you do n't know then at some stage during the course you stand a good chance of getting to know each other because again the essence of this course is informality and talking .
4 The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House .
5 There are very pressured days , says Jackie , when she has several visits as well a clinic , when she goes up every front path praying both mum and babe will be problem-free .
6 Finally , we consider cost-benefit analysis because often the costs and benefits of many public sector projects are not directly quantifiable in monetary terms .
7 The principle of deduction is incorporated by seeing empirical investigation as primarily a procedure for testing theories through hypotheses deduced from the theory itself .
8 The Labour councils sought to use low fares as both a part of their overall planning policies and a means of redistributing income in favour of lower income groups .
9 it might also be necessary to include more acceptances than just the minimal ones in order to accommodate this type of distinction .
10 Schools , polytechnics and universities all have magazines and newspapers on which you may gain actual experience while still a student .
11 I prefer patterns that do n't produce large areas where only the cotton thread has knitted , so I tend to choose patterns that only have one or two punched holes ( or marked squares on electronic patterns ) counting horizontally .
12 They thus found particularly congenial the work of those anthropologists such as Bachofen , and again Morgan , who saw primitive kinship as almost a total reversal of the family as they knew it .
13 Yet another reason for regarding romantic suspense as primarily a woman 's art ( though I enjoy reading them , and so do many other old male chauvinists ) is that the archetypal situation they describe echoes the situation of women through the ages .
14 If people understood formal legislation as only a matter of negotiated solutions to discrete problems , with no underlying commitment to any more fundamental public conception of justice , they would draw a sharp distinction between two kinds of encounters with fellow citizens : those that fall within and those that fall outside the scope of some past political decision .
15 That would seem to imply little reliability as either a mirror or informer of public opinion .
16 The church in Sussex lasted over four centuries with a minimum of influence upon surviving historical records , although the scale of its eleventh-century church towers at Sompting , Southease and other places , illustrate that authority if not the people supported it .
17 5. such work will also help pupils approach the diversity of religious beliefs in an open and non-dogmatic way without succumbing to the relativism which tends to regard different beliefs as just a matter of opinion .
18 We are making fast progress till suddenly a black van pulls out of a lane twenty yards ahead , brakes , and spills a sackful of coppers out the back .
19 The lottery business is basically a very very small business with limited competition , and for a state the size of California it makes it very difficult to have large competition because only a certain number of companies can actually put in a system of this size .
20 At the same time he pressed the labour theory of value to far more radical ends than David Ricardo [ q.v. ] , seeing skilled labour as both the measure and producer of all value .
21 It 's also very different from watching live teaching although superficially the situations seem similar .
22 The ‘ Chicago ’ human capital approach ( e.g. Becker 1971 ; also see Mincer 1980 ) perhaps goes overboard the other way , seeing observed inequality as simply the reflection of current investments in human capital and returns to past investments .
23 I would like to suggest that an answer to this question should address broader concerns than simply a desire to make a representation of appearance .
24 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
25 Many national and several international meetings were organised on the subject of ‘ Women and the Media ’ , raising such questions as how the mass media treats issues of concern to women , and women 's participation in various capacities in the production of mainstream media .
26 Any realistic model should incorporate more elements than simply the relative importance of leading officers and councillors , otherwise a distorted and simplistic picture of power inside local authorities will emerge .
27 It 's a shame that the word ‘ refined ’ has acquired prissy connotations because both the shop and the stock of London 's newest lingerie outlet is refined in the best possible sense of the word .
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