Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ starlab2 will boost limited resources for studying astronomy and will be able to accommodate 30 pupils at a time .
2 Lloyd George 's Government had embarked on a programme of financing social reform at a time of rapidly rising prices .
3 Throughout his career , Gaunt was conspicuous for his loyalty to the king , and even when Richard II spurned that loyalty for a time , Gaunt did not associate himself with opposition to the court .
4 The link was put in place to provide some stability at a time of political turbulence in the British colony .
5 The problem is that in a region with such a deeply troubled history , the spread of minorities , be they Serb , Albanian , Turkish or whatever , is likely to provoke violent conflict during a time of profound political and constitutional change .
6 If you 're gon na wait three days at a time for the local copper to turn up ,
7 Kohl hopes that the council will become a way to revive these links at a time when Europe is very much looking inwards .
8 Above : Harland & Wolff 's yard on the River Thames built many boats at a time .
9 A second rapper causes batted eyelids for a time , and the addition of a second guitar during an encore of ‘ Go Wild ’ suddenly give the sound the extra bite it 's been missing all night , but if 25th Of May are going to appeal on musical merit as a vehicle for their politics , they 'll have to update their sound , experiment and hit harder than this .
10 It would be an additional folly to impose generic substitution at a time when the Japanese government has singled out pharmaceuticals as a significant area for growth and one to which high technology is applicable .
11 We do know however that , with perseverance , every day can produce some success and that , by continuing to work one day at a time , we will be building up a very solid basis for renewed confidence and further achievement .
12 if the lists have minimal pairs you can have the LH say one word at a time and you will have to decide which list it is from
13 The experiment consisted of presenting an unseen passage of text to a person and asking her to guess one letter at a time .
14 ‘ Because of all that 's happened , ’ she says , such a move would have to come one step at a time .
15 A title for Jim Molyneaux has been speculated upon — it will fall in his lap whenever he wants to retire — but certainly the Government is not likely to offend unionist sensibilities for a time at least .
16 Unless you are enormously determined , it is far better to make small changes and build upon them , tackling one area at a time before you go on to the next rather than trying to lose weight , give up smoking , avoid alcohol and set yourself a punishing exercise regime all at once .
17 For one thing , receiving bodies must be large enough to absorb big amounts at a time .
18 The flowers provide abundant nectar at a time when hardly any other source is available and throughout the autumn the last foraging bees , wasps and a host of flies are attracted to them .
19 A PLOT 70 15ft which just accommodates three people at a time hardly seems a typical garden to open to the public .
20 Completion of the plant has been bitterly opposed by environmental campaigners , who criticise the government for favouring nuclear power at a time when other European nations are phasing it out .
21 It is ridiculous to sell one beast at a time to one person .
22 You will have to change and dry the blotting paper frequently during the next few days , so either take a good stock with you , or carefully remove one sheet at a time and iron it dry before replacing it .
23 but you can only do one charity at a time
24 The design is read by the controller and transferred one row at a time for each colour , so we need this odd row to start .
25 If a sentence is long or otherwise difficult , mimic one phrase at a time , beginning with the last one , then adding the penultimate one , and so on successively till you can manage the whole utterance .
26 Instructors can choose either to discuss trainee 's answers and the provided answers one story at a time or they can choose to ask the trainees to complete all three stories before discussion .
27 However , because the reptation is assumed to occur by migration of a segmental kink along the chain , the force needed to do this is applied one segment at a time and so it is more appropriate to use the frictional factor per segment ζ .
28 The walk can be done all in one go or in sections — for many it might be easier to tackle two days at a time at the weekends .
29 This guy called Mark that erm tt that Frank and Janet know very well , he 's a really very good D J indeed , you know he 's , Janet 's got a tape that he 's made and he 's got , using three decks at a time and stuff , he 's very good .
30 It should cover three weeks at a time , with allowance for holiday and sick leave .
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