Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in and out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What hair that is left on my head became steam that wisped past my left eye , a ball that has bounced in and out of many a brain cover .
2 A. Anyone carrying out work in the Village has to sign in and out at the Wardens Lodge .
3 John Aitken , prosecuting , said two youths , one of them Appleton , were seen going in and out of Mrs Foster 's home by neighbours in the early hours .
4 If I 'd been seen popping in and out of Ramillies Drive , tongues would inevitably have begun to wag .
5 Gobbets seemed to wink in and out of existence .
6 Armed with a screwdriver in one hand and a bag of chips in the other , the staff of the Computer Co-ordination Section can be seen floating in and out of offices ensuring that Lothian Highways ' computers and peripherals operate efficiently .
7 Always make sure the children understand how you are going to signify moving in and out of role .
8 The children began to jump in and out of the boat , arranging and re-arranging themselves .
9 A mile or so on , however , and thoughts of Cara began bouncing in and out of her head .
10 His prong began to thrust in and out of her like a greased piston , and she found it slipped up her arse as often as it penetrated her vagina .
11 For 50 years every day the trains have brought supplies in and out of Bicester Garrison and apart from the occasional hiccup , like when they discovered 2,000 left boots , they kept the British Army going whereever they are in the world .
12 In that era , so much of the day was spent climbing in and out of the correct clothes that there ca n't have been much time left for recreation .
13 This means everything is to hand and off the floor and she does n't have to keep going in and out of the stable while she gets her horse ready to ride .
14 I must have passed in and out of several counties that morning , looking for that dolmen .
15 The whole afternoon was spent meandering in and out of the welcoming homes of Miss Kerr 's ageing contemporaries .
16 It is a matter of having to move in and out of detail as part of the general operation of thinking .
17 The bricks and iron and peeling paint were somehow analogous to the people he saw passing in and out of them , with their dirty faces , stooping postures , and threadbare clothes .
18 He said they are a nuisance sometimes keep coming in and out for stuff but he said that 's childlike .
19 I think personalised shirts , or even any shirts may be asking for trouble if we are going to mingle rather than just get herded in and out of the away enclosure .
20 In France the process by which the administrative and business elites give one another interesting employment is called pantouflage which literally means jumping in and out of one another 's trousers ( Birnbaum , 1981 ) .
21 We 're not yet a police lab even if you do walk in and out of the place as if it 's your own kitchen .
22 Yeah er you know , we had an understanding that if erm because there were times when we wanted to just have some time together , or to pray together , and erm you know people who did come in and out to the flats , we erm told them that if th we were in and we did n't answer the door , it was actually because we were either doing something that we could n't come .
23 Too short a line will make hooking in and out of a waist harness very difficult
24 He had gone in and out by the rear door and back stairs and seen no one but Linley .
25 Sunlight beat down on them , now the tall mahogany and fig trees were thinned around ; the ferns shrivelled in the shafts ; animals which had wandered in and out of Sycorax 's compound now watered in the creek further upstream , and avoided the company of men .
26 As his condition improves , he gradually starts to wash while sitting , and later learns to get in and out of the bath .
27 We had to get in and out of life rafts .
28 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
29 ‘ In fact , I did n't know him at all and he 'd managed to slip in and out of affairs before I even tumbled to the fact that he was playing around .
30 THERE IS A CREEK in North America which in early summer is overhung with arching fronds of flowers ; you have to duck in and out of them as you paddle the canoe .
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