Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] down into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Want to get down into the world , lass .
2 The floorboards had n't snapped , as I 'd originally thought : they 'd gone down into the dock with Harry .
3 In an area with around 250 cm of rain a year , it seems clear that if the hillsides are not replanted then silt is going to rush down into the river , through the sluice gates of the dam and into the new land , where irrigation canals might become seriously clogged up , and the fertility of the soil lowered .
4 Some kinds of worm plug their burrows by pulling leaves down into the opening .
5 The other is holding a grey Government-issue ballpoint above the label on the cover , as motionless as a lizard , waiting to strike down into the space next to the word Subject .
6 Getting sucked down into the house and the house things and the babyworld and the child-world and the cooking-world and the shopping-world .
7 He began to climb down into the ditch , hitting at the grass with his pick-handle .
8 you know to step down into the kitchen .
9 However , it looks like IXI may have to get down into the water to try and tickle this baby out of the flow , as DEC has its own problems to iron out .
10 all that has had to be replaced because that was starting to drip down into the hall , again !
11 Patrick lay looking down into the dell .
12 Er because the pit bottom was lit up and it meant going down into the dark , an exciting thought for a young fella , er and so off I went and I was put down on one of the faces , as a lad , and said , Right lad , you want to be collier ?
13 Freed , thus , from the weight of the dragon 's will , and safely assured of being able to get home again Maggie turned her mind to her own task and went travelling down into the labyrinth of memory and desire .
14 And Oz had worked just as hard as she had , not stopping to gaze down into the dale , but picking and picking until his fingers were stained blue-purple .
15 The barbarian had vaulted down into the heather and had drawn the black sword , Kring .
16 As the rain continued to pelt down into the Sunday , Fijian confidence hit hew highs as they went in search of a record third successive title .
17 All the floorboards had been removed , and the ceilings and plasterwork had crashed down into the basement with the weight of water pouring through the roof .
18 She had learnt that wickedness exists , even where there is beauty , and now she could hardly bear to look down into the Vale .
19 They had tunnelled down into the plateau , and they had built upwards as far as their materials and construction abilities would allow .
20 Her heart had taken wing as she and Mandy had walked down into the lodge .
21 Two divers had gone down into the river during the morning , but had found no item of relevance ; and perhaps would not have recognised its relevance had they found it .
22 Now it 's pretty obvious one side the fo A forklift has tried to put a pallet in between two and nudged the pallet next to it and it 's the pallet 's dropped down into the racking .
23 Suddenly he rose from his chair , gave a quick look round the office , then went across to the window , where he stood looking down into the courtyard .
24 Benjamin walked over , past the baptismal font and stood looking down into the sanctuary .
25 If you notice several exit holes in the galls but have found no adults , it is possible that the larvae have crawled down into the compost or soil before becoming pupae .
26 Grabbing fruitlessly at bulrush stalks , which snap like chicken bones , he crashes face down into the mud .
27 Jane crossed to the windows and stood staring down into the street .
28 As the door bursts open , a vast torrent of blood-flecked yellow-green mucus comes smashing down into the stairwell , settling into most of the bottom half of it .
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