Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] way [prep] a new " in BNC.

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1 A 40-FOOT Blue Cedar tree in Liss is enjoying a change of scenery after it was moved to save it from being felled to make way for a new garage .
2 So Oxford 's Lord Mayor was the first to wield the demolition hammer to help make way for a new business park .
3 Once the church had a beautiful Gothic façade , but during renovation work on the Palazzo Reale in 1770 this was demolished to make way for a new main staircase .
4 At the time , part of the mill was demolished to make way for a new road , some of the remainder being converted to shops .
5 The old terraced houses are being demolished to make way for a new shopping centre .
6 According to press reports , during the meeting Hariri had successfully allayed Hezbollah fears that a large number of buildings in the southern suburbs were to be demolished to make way for a new hospital .
7 The houses will be for people who have to move out of Bentham Drive to make way for a new rail link .
8 William looked up at her and Hari smiled , pleased with the way his cheeks had filled out and that the set of his shoulders was straight now , his fear of violence having given way to a new confidence in himself .
9 Picture a once decent apartment building in the Bronx , New York , a part of the city where poverty , drug abuse , AIDS , and prostitution abound , and witness over a few years how it is transformed into a miserable squat and ultimately bulldozed to make way for a new police station .
10 Both involve the identification of a previously existing , now largely defunct , set of moral imperatives which have given way to a new order in which control , particularly of sexual conduct , has diminished .
11 IN Washington 's superb bookshops , which stay open all night and serve coffee and bagels , tomes on the Cold War have given way to a new theme : the prospect of a trade war between the three great economic blocs — Japan , the US and the European Community .
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