Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] only [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Preferring to carry only a light rifle , such as a .22 , and ammunition , but unburdened by other supplies , even water , they chase goats from about 7 am until noon , when they have to quit for the day Sometimes they will put down their guns and stalk a goat , leaping on it to deliver the final coup de grace with a knife .
2 If the South is redefined to include only the four regions of the South East , South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands , then the net movement of people from North to South can be seen to have risen from a low point of only around 10,000–20,000 a year in the early 1970s to a peak of nearly 70,000 by 1985–86 ( Figure 4.2 ) .
3 The Germans had no illusions about the military effectiveness of their principal ally , and at first they agreed to accept only a few divisions of the Alpini , the specialist mountain troops who could hold their own with any in Europe .
4 The Committee on Safety of Medicines ( personal communication ) has received only a single report of visual disorder associated with chlorambucil — namely , corneal opacity — and the manufacturers ( Wellcome ) have only a single report of optic neuritis , occurring on day 1 of chlorambucil treatment and not resolving on withdrawal .
5 As the HLA-A2.1 molecules on T2 cells appear to carry only a limited variety of peptides derived from signal sequences , our data suggest that the anti-HLA-A2.1 CTL clone recognizes such a signal sequence-derived peptide .
6 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
7 A good deal of language teaching has followed a bottom-up approach , in that it has considered only the formal language system , often in isolated sentences , without demonstrating or developing the way that system operates in context .
8 The huge world market out there was worth $330 billion between 1989 and 1992 , but the industry has won only a small share of that business .
9 The Government has said only a full end to violence is acceptable .
10 The Muslim Brotherhood has made only a marginal impact on Jordanian life since its entry into parliament .
11 Thanks to the vagaries of international politics , Ethiopia has had only a tiny slice of this aid cake .
12 This may have been a late flowering of the ‘ badinage ’ that he used to partake in as a Young Conservative with Brixton locals , but so sensitive is Major about his background , that the public is permitted to hear only the Authorised Version .
13 Formerly a private hotel , it has needed only a little work to convert it to its new use .
14 I 'd expected to last only a few minutes before my first ducking but the gentle wind was perfect for getting used to the moves .
15 BOYZ II MEN 's ‘ End Of The Road ’ has become only the third single in 30 years to spend more than ten weeks at the top of the Billboard chart .
16 He has arrived only a short while before , but did not question the order that von Keller gave to Lt Rosen and several men of the 10th Company to remain close to the vehicle and to bring it up to the battalion by road .
17 Thanks to Peterborough 's Hospital at Home ( HAH ) system , Jessica has spent only a few days in the local district hospital .
18 This echoes the general case made by Rychner for variation between closely related fabliau texts to be explicable on the basis of different intended audiences , although van den Boogard actually contradicted Rychner 's specific findings on the Anglo-Norman fabliaux , which Rychner found to represent only the common degeneration typical of " " transmission memorielle " " .
19 She is modest , feeling she has taken only the first steps .
20 The solar system has travelled round the galaxy almost 20 times since it was formed , and it has described only a tiny arc of its journey during the two million years that people have been on the Earth .
21 In the twilight the water , gushing and frothing , looked a long way down but the sound it made felt only a few feet below .
22 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
23 A great deal can be done using only an undifferentiated notion of abnormality , especially in conjunction with suitable ‘ diagnostic frames ’ ( see below ) ; but it will not have escaped the notice of the attentive reader that the ( a ) sentences in 17–21 above are all odd in different ways .
24 Literally speaking , ephemera are things that last only a day ; in the more accepted sense , things destined to endure only a short time ; but , by a curious paradox , in the most modern sense , things which have , in fact , long survived their predestined span .
25 If she 'd had only the clerical level of interface that she was supposed to have , she 'd never have found it .
26 She 'd gone only a short way when some sixth sense brought her to a halt in the nick of time .
27 At move 40 , Karpov seemed to have only a small advantage .
28 He was one of several candidates vying to become only the 14th editor in the publication 's 128-year history .
29 It is now possible to investigate whether it is ‘ just ’ extra DNA sequence , with no apparently defined hypersensitive sites , which leads to position-independent expression of the transgene by designing a minimal ‘ Long ’ construct containing only the defined DH sites ( experiments in progress ) .
30 Though everyone was behind Sheehan as she strove to become only the thirteenth entrant to the Hall of Fame , it was difficult not to feel for Dawn Coe-Jones .
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