Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] its [noun pl] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Government can not afford to continue to neglect its responsibilities for wildlife , and here that means helping farmers with grants for conservation in place of grants for over-grazing . ’
2 It has repeated its calls for law reform in response to the Department of the Environment ( DoE ) on approved inspectors , and has welcomed the National Core Curriculum in Fire Safety Studies .
3 The Government has changed its plans for education including the abandonment of league tables of test results for seven and fourteen-year-olds .
4 10.4 Each Non-academic Party undertakes to monitor its results for material which may be the subject of applications for IPR protection .
5 Together with other departments , the Department of Public relations , as the Information Office was now called , was asked to submit its plans for reconstruction when we should get to Burma .
6 When , for example , Matsushita decided to build an export-oriented air-conditioner plant in Malaysia , it also had to adjust its plans for investment in Mexico and its export policies from Japan .
7 These negotiations were unfruitful and the ILP continued to press its Members for acceptance of the conditions for group membership laid down at Birmingham .
8 The director of each society was required to submit its rules for approval to Mr Tidd Pratt the barrister who certified Saving Banks regulations , and afterwards to have them approved by the magistrates at quarter sessions .
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