Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] their [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Those who had attended informed their colleagues of the fact — and they took the hint .
2 The British had obviously decided to wash their hands of the whole affair .
3 Then cosmologists began to revise their estimates of the percentage of the Universe 's mass made up by ‘ dark matter ’ which could not be directly observed — including black holes and pulsars .
4 Yet the time may come when the unions will have expiated their follies of the sixties and seventies , partly through the rationalisation and mergers of the past decade , partly through reforms forced on them by changes in the law during the eighties , partly by a public rediscovery that trade unions are a necessary part of a free society .
5 The Government seem to have washed their hands of the problem : they are taking no responsibility for it , and that is not good enough .
6 And they knew that they had acquired their theories of the relation between schooling and life from their parents .
7 In recent decades historians have broadened the sources on which they rely as they have widened their views of the past — oral history , archaeology , art , and in the future data and other electronically-stored information will be included .
8 Both of them have published their accounts of the Shahs final day and their frequent meetings with him .
9 The two health authorities covering these areas have launched their versions of the Patient 's Charter .
10 The two health authorities covering these areas have launched their versions of the Patient 's Charter .
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