Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] from [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Forecasts about the course of democracy tend to swing from optimism to despair with alarming speed .
2 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
3 The symptoms she endured varied from month to month , worsening or improving according to the circumstances of her life at the time .
4 Benefits realised varied from site to site , but ranged from a doubling of throughput per week at a cost more than halved , through to a headcount reduction of one third .
5 Like most radio services , paging is limited by the regulatory authorities ' allocation of frequencies , which tend to differ from country to country .
6 Doth glance from heaven to earth , from earth to heaven ;
7 The poet 's eyes ( according to Shakespeare 's Theseus ) " in a fine frenzy rolling , doth glance from heaven to earth , from earth to heaven " .
8 If it be a duty imposed by law upon a party regularly subpoenaed to attend from time to time to give his evidence then a promise to give him any remuneration for loss of time incurred in such attendance is a promise without consideration .
9 The Imperial Engineers School has grown , the Colleges of Magic have thrived , and the army has marched from victory to victory .
10 On that basis , the male is programmed to go from nightclub to nightclub and bed to bed , scattering his seed about the place to produce as many new disco-dancing Lotharios as possible .
11 The resource cost of producing BC of the good has fallen from BCHE to BCFE , a saving of EFH .
12 The nature of the document has varied from year to year but always involves presenting some reasonably complex material in a form that allows different readers to pursue different paths through it .
13 Figure 2.4 shows how the number of births in the United Kingdom has varied from year to year since 1964 , when it reached its highest figure since the 1920s .
14 The rate of acquisition of these various classes of assets has varied from year to year but with the exception of overseas securities holdings , which have tended to rise as a proportion of the total since 1980 , there are no significant trends .
15 The impact of the migrants has varied from country to country , but two areas which stand out as having been profoundly affected throughout the continent are housing and employment .
16 The operation of the communities of interest has varied from seeking to preserve neighbourhood cohesion or status quo ( Fineview and Charles Street Kirkbride ) to pursuing the interests of an exclusive and unrepresentative group within the neighbourhood ( such as Allegheny West , Central North Side , East Allegheny and increasingly Manchester ) .
17 The designation of zones has certainly encouraged development , but this has varied from region to region .
18 The growth has come from privatisation of services provided in the public sectors , particularly healthcare and education and from catering for the public .
19 Much of it has come from work with animals , for here it is possible to arrange particular experiences at particular ages and subsequently test for their effect on the behaviour of mature animals .
20 It is not too much to say that , throughout the last three critical years in China , it is to Dr Morrison that the British public has looked from day to day for the earliest and most accurate intelligence concerning events in which the interests of this country have been so largely involved . ’
21 This is not merely a little churlish ; it also explains why the cumulative effect of their evidence makes less — impact than it should , because it disguises the fact that the unholy alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry has tottered from crisis to crisis now for two decades — since the thalidomide tragedy .
22 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
23 An example of a clause providing for the payment of a participating dividend is : The Company shall after making all necessary provisions for payment of the Preference Dividend ( including any Arrears ) and the redemption of the Preference Shares but in priority to payment of any dividend to the holders of Ordinary Shares , pay to the holders of the Preferred Ordinary Shares as from ( and inclusive of ) the accounting period ending … , subject to payment in full of the Preferred Dividend ( including any Arrears of the same ) pay to the holders of Preferred Ordinary Shares a cumulative cash dividend ( " the Participating Dividend " ) of a sum ( net of any advance corporation tax payable by the Company ) equal to … % of the Profit After Tax for each accounting period of the Company ; the Participating Dividend shall be deemed to accrue from day to day throughout each accounting period and shall become payable and be paid not later than four months immediately following the end of the accounting period to which it relates .
24 The CAA 's Central Library has moved from Kingsway to Aviation House at Gatwick , where it is open for reference and sale of CAA publications from 0930–1630 Monday to Friday .
25 In the space of only two weeks , the Slovak lawyer has moved from dissident to defendant to government minister .
26 But now he has moved from critic to principal player , he may discover the advantages of the business brain so vilified by Raine 's critics .
27 Squash at Harlow Sportcentre has moved from strength to strength , starting with just two courts when the centre first opened .
28 But the British film industry , chastened and curbed , has lurched from crisis to crisis ever since .
29 I mean for me I I 've gone beyond hoping in a way I mean it 's just a question of keeping going from week to week and I do n't know how to measure success .
30 The discovery in the quarries of pre-historic footprints of dinosaurs — iguanodon or megalosaurus — has occurred from time to time , notably in 1963 when samples were removed to the British Museum , and again in 1980 when over 30 footprints were uncovered at Townsend during building work .
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