Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] and [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The third reason why we 're , we 're pleased to see you here is that erm as a trades council , we 've and this er and Dick mentioned this in his introduction , we 've initiated a major international programme , major in terms of our size obviously as er as a local body , involving links between union activists here primarily in France er , in northern France , but also links now developing in Spain with the new ferry going between Portsmouth and Bilbao , we 're starting to meet with the unions in Spain who are interested in speaking about the , the , the differences in wages in terms and conditions working for the same ferry company , doing the same jobs in the port , a comparative look at how the , the wages terms and conditions differ and we want to , we want to go and visit them in the autumn and , and work out , and work on more links on a sector basis , so that our colleagues down in Bilbao in northern Spain can link up with people in the , in the , in similar sectors here and we 've done this over the last three and a half years with the unions in France , we 've had exchanges of all sectors , the public sectors , transport , erm , health , social services , shop workers .
2 So will more than likely be off next week , but I do want to try and get something done with this and some of the other accounts , I want to try and get them out the way before I
3 The books draw on the experiences of Christians in Guatemala , whose faith has strengthened and supported them through the hardships and challenges of recent years .
4 You need to list the points you intend to cover and put them in order .
5 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
6 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
7 Decide which questions you are going to answer and put them in order of difficulty with the easiest coming first .
8 For Judaism , God is the liberator who brought the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt and subsequently acted to protect and chastise them throughout their chequered history .
9 They are then invited to try and throw them in a basket one at a time without looking at the value .
10 She rounded up her charges before the others began to move and willed them along the path to the car park .
11 Whatever dreams or desires are turning you on you 'll want to pursue and promote them to the Nth degree this weekend .
12 We shall attempt to apply and adapt them to a much shorter viewing distance , under controlled laboratory conditions .
13 In the first two weeks I sat down , worked out the six major things I needed to do and tabled them to the group executive within six weeks .
14 There were many in the ruling party who treated the proposals with great suspicion , however , and who worked to delay and discredit them on the grounds that they would undermine the current factional structure of the LDP .
15 However , it is worth taking a calm and realistic look at the risks you might have taken and putting them into perspective .
16 You do try and use them through that , and try and make them more confident in themselves , they 're you know people do accept this a lot more today , than they used to , erm and you know they need n't feel quite so self conscious .
17 Periodically we had lifted and turned them on the banks , where the sun and wind had shrunk and hardened them .
18 We had seen and sensed them on our way up , their tentative postures , their unanimity of hesitation .
19 This ( almost certainly unintended ) result is a consequence of the writer relying on other people to state ideas rather than trying to understand and restate them in her or his own voice .
20 I had chosen and wrapped them with care .
21 that 's lovely , one off each strip , one for you and one for me , have to go and claim them at tea time .
22 and criticizing the royal family , we have admired and criticized them in the course of the last half hour .
23 The dealers snatch the baskets of produce they have bought and rush them to waiting lorries .
24 In typical Whig language , Ferguson concluded that the Sovereign having no other Ground of claim to any Power or Prerogative , save what he hath from the Constitution which hath settled and vested them in him , That Prince who goes about to overthrow this , does all he can to cancel his own Right .
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