Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the commitment expressed by the US President , George Bush , to withdraw all US invasion forces from Panama by the end of February 1990 [ see p. 37177 ] , García agreed to attend the international drugs summit in Cartagena ( Colombia ) on Feb. 15 [ for which see pp. 37243-44 ] .
2 Part 3 provides examples of the way in which programmes may be developed using the new Sciences modules .
3 Now to the second of our reports from HMS Gloucester , which has been helping to enforce the United Nations sanctions against Serbia .
4 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
5 The same sort of guilt by association which had tainted Keynesian economics in the wake of the Phillips curve débâcle has tainted the rational expectations hypothesis owing to its close connection , through Keynesian eyes , with the policy inefficacy proposition of the new classical macroeconomics .
6 During a recent promotion , the Great Central Railway has undertaken the 1992 visitors survey and questionnaires were given to visitors and passengers arrival with a closing date of August 7 .
7 Having raised turnover from £9m at its float six years ago to £118m last year , the 165-year-old group has outgrown the unlisted securities market and will move up to a full quote in May .
8 The secretary of state has given the Joint Consultants Committee ( JCC ) an assurance that the Department of Health will deal firmly with specific cases of abuse that are notified to the department , and , indeed , certain trusts have already been made to reverse inappropriate appointments .
9 Mr Bruce Hepburn , the 24-year-old former student who helped found the Imperial Ventures company which commissioned the survey , said if companies did not improve their image ‘ they will go out of business ’ .
10 Mr Bruce Hepburn , the 24-year-old former student who helped found the Imperial Ventures company which commissioned the survey , said if companies did not improve their image ‘ they will go out of business ’ .
11 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
12 For the past two years Brand has seen the same sports psychologist , John Allsop , who helped Peter Baker earn a cup debut this month .
13 Following the recent press statement by Mr Michael Forsyth MP , Scotland 's Sports Minister , I write to inform you that Mr Forsyth has accepted the Scottish Sports Council 's view that the system first introduced at its request in 1987 whereby senior staff of the Council serve also as Members of the Council , should be discontinued .
14 This series has answered the detailed questions people are asking about the Health Service , about Yugoslavia and so on .
15 An unreported incident in which 20 army officer cadets were taken to hospital during the summer after canoeing in a lake at Leek , Staffordshire , has convinced the National Rivers Authority that Britain faces a serious algae problem .
16 It is also expected to use the new 80Mbytes-per-second version of the Micro Channel and to have 16 slots against eight on the 950 .
17 Just as the Boston Compact engendered the London Compact , the London Compact has inspired the nationwide Compacts Initiative launched by the Training Agency .
18 Start-up maven , Bob Fabbio , fresh from the unparalleled success of Tivoli Systems Inc , whose software has become the distributed systems management framework for the Open Software Foundation , Unix International and Sun Microsystems Inc , is back at it again .
19 He has become a target for abuse — and powerful sponsors who back the team with around £20-£25million a year want a say in what has become the greatest sports outcry of all time .
20 She said : ‘ Ms McGinley has exhausted the internal complaints system , and we understand her case is currently being considered by the Ombudsman .
21 As teams of temps struggled to cope with the mounting chaos , Jackson tried to keep the Equal Opportunities flame burning .
22 Some of the delegates spent more than £2,000 travelling to Britain to try to solve the mindboggling soaps problem .
23 Thomas has taken the outré directors Oshima and Bertolucci in hand , and presented them in a more ‘ respectable ’ form .
24 Frequently they are designed to suppress the different experiences people have of marriage .
25 One of the documents , an apparent memorandum from Mr John Moore , Mr Newton 's predecessor , said the choice of EDS was designed to make the computerised benefits network less vulnerable to industrial action .
26 Western Digital Corp chairman and chief executive Roger Johnson has been nominated to head the General Services Administration US government watchdog by President Clinton .
27 Travel : Copse and robbers Christopher Somerville sees how woodland has usurped the ancient cattle thieves of the Cheviot Hills
28 It is economically damaging to give the middle classes things free when they could perfectly well pay for them directly .
29 The Torstar Corporation , a Canadian based communications organization , was itself an amalgamation ; in 1967 , the Toronto Star Ltd and Charth Investment and Publishing Company Ltd had merged to form the largest communications conglomerate in Canada .
30 After discussions with its auditors , the oil company has decided to adopt the successful efforts method of accounting for oil and gas expenditure for the current financial year to 30 September 1992 instead of the full cost method .
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