Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] at it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And though I am not sure I would be able to stand looking at it for the run of the show , William Holman Hunt 's hideous , hard-core Pre-Raphaelite head of Christ ‘ The Beloved ’ has the punch of a Gilbert and George .
2 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
3 This is available if anyone wants to look at it during the course .
4 Angie Bowie : ‘ I never realized and had never been involved in who did what , but I suppose that amounts to , if one wants to look at it from Ken 's point of view , being the fly in the ointment , or of one wants to look at it from a real point of view as , in terms of property settlement and management , that I was being David 's manager at that particular time , because it was possible for me to advise him to do something about the things that really troubled him artistically .
5 I seem to remember looking at it in the other one .
6 You are only looking at it from our point of view though are n't you , I mean they , they 're going to look at it from the point of view that they can possibly obtain sixteen zero zero fours , although they 'd obviously like to get them cheaper , but at a price that makes the the overall package that contains that bearing and a six eight O seven cheaper than than the package that we would like them to use which inc would incorporate six zero zero fours , and er whatever after .
7 Now Summerchild has mentioned it , I believe I remember looking at it during the long silences in my conversations with Millie .
8 When she saw him approaching , she lowered her gaze to the canvas before her and began to dab at it with the brush .
9 Er , so , there is undoubtedly a lot of work still to be done in making the D S O competitive , as for building maintenance work , I 'm not certain we 've ever considered having a building maintenance D S O. We may have looked at it in the days before D S Os , but that 's er , a long time ago , and it 's certainly worth having a look .
10 Cunliffe admitted that his knowledge of Germany was inadequate and that his figure was ‘ little more than a shot in the dark as he had been pressed to arrive at it between a Saturday and a Monday ’ .
11 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
12 Then try to look at it as an artist would look at it , really analysing it .
13 The clarifying question is : " Is this really a problem or am I just choosing to look at it as a problem ? "
14 Well I 've looked at it with a conscience cos I took the glass out originally .
15 So I 've looked at it at the end of day and thought well my God !
16 His face , however , was smeared by the dabbings he had made at it with a stupendously dirty handkerchief .
17 There was a ‘ Sold ’ sticker on the board , and she stood gazing at it for a moment as though it might provide a magic solution to all her problems .
18 Of course I have looked at it in the past , many , many times .
19 They got out and he stood looking at it for a moment or two before he walked to the door after Mary Rose .
20 I stood looking at it in the darkness , just aware of its bulk in the feeble light of a broken moon , and I thought it looked even bigger than it really was , like a stone-giant 's head , a huge moonlit skull full of shapes and memories , staring out to sea and attached to a vast , powerful body buried in the rock and sand beneath , ready to shrug itself free and disinter itself on some unknowable command or cue .
21 You have to look at it as an heirloom and a thing of beauty .
22 He put down the phone , sat staring at it for a moment and then dialled once more .
23 She opened it with a trembling hand and sat staring at it for a long time .
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