Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] at [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I knew that it would at the very least be fun to fail again , however effortlessly , and we agreed to meet at a pub in Barnes on the following evening .
2 They had arranged to meet at a pub in Soho , not far from Helen 's flat .
3 Nordhaus has looked at the evidence in nine countries over the period 1947–72 .
4 And I think central government needs to look at the way in which inner cities are being constantly run down and erm problems highlighted and aggravated because of the circumstances .
5 All spreadsheets are currently static , in the sense that if you 've got a set of rows and columns and you want to look at the information in a different way , you have to move rows and columns of data around , change formulas — in fact rebuild the entire structure of the model .
6 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
7 Forget the flourish of the big white napkin , forget two thumbs on the cork 's corona , forget aiming at the bulbs in the recessed ceiling-lights .
8 Democracy has arrived at a gallop in England and I fear all the time it is a race for life .
9 Slater , a hotel chef trained at the Culinary Institute of America in New York ( he has worked at a restaurant in Kensington ) , got his first headlines by being sacked from a grocery store deli counter because of his Klan activities .
10 ‘ A similar thing has happened at a school in Norfolk and a factory in Leeds .
11 He chanced to resurface at a moment in the film when the divine Ms Rau is indulging in carnal acrobatics with the leading male actor .
12 At least he 'd made someone happy , he thought drily , regretting that he 'd snarled at the lad in front of him .
13 I 'd played at a club in Soho , even backed a few rock bands Lloyd had claimed to manage , and he 'd run a string of female mud wrestlers , mainly in the clip joint next door .
14 ‘ It does seem rather too much of a good thing — going to look at a waterfall in the rain , ’ remarked Lydia .
15 In this programme we are going to look at the way in which British music has developed in recent years and its relationship to that produced by Continental Europe .
16 But Strasbourg 's anti-nicotine brigade has won a consolation prize : the health and social-affairs commissioner , Mrs Vasso Papandreou , has promised to look at a ban in the future .
17 This is something we said we were going to discuss at a time in the future and I thought I 'd stick it on and see how much time we 'd got left .
18 Wedgie [ Tony Benn ] then made what I found a very effective speech , pointing out that we had got to look at the problem in domestic as well as international terms .
19 But before you do you 've got to look at the material in the working file .
20 ‘ This is not a problem we are going to solve at a desk in the education headquarters , ’ said David Montgomery , depute director of education .
21 ( The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays when guests are invited to dine at a restaurant in San Gimignano . )
22 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
23 At last a smile began to pull at the folds in Sir Charles 's face , as if his cheeks really were wallets and his smile was going through them , looking for cash , then the smile turned to laughter , it pushed between his teeth , it was dry and rhythmic , it sounded uncannily like someone counting a stack of dollar bills .
24 During the summer when there was not even a blade of green grass in the paddock , her feed of oats and other goodies became inordinately important to her , to the extent that one day when her dinner had not arrived at the usual time she began to paw at the fence in anxiety .
25 This year the London Handel Orchestra have been invited to play at the festival in Hesse — Handel 's birthplace .
26 The little man began to kick at the tentacle in fury .
27 Its entrance was discovered in 1950 and two years later this deepest of all gouffres acquired a sad celebrity with the death there of Marcel Loubens , a Belgian speleologist , who was badly injured deep underground but could not be got to the surface quickly enough to save his life , a story I dimly remember reading at the time in newspapers .
28 In August 1988 , Dai Qing was invited to speak at a banquet in Hong Kong held in honour of Liu Binyan , the most famous ‘ investigative reporter ’ of the People 's Daily , the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party .
29 Owen never ceased to marvel at the way in which he combined incredible ingenuity within the rules with total lack of curiosity as to what went on beyond them .
30 Anyone would have felt at a disadvantage in such a situation .
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