Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] on [pron] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Chris , that 's just one of the many strokes that Martinez has pulled in his time ; and he still goes laughing on his way to the bank with his twenty-five per cent commission .
2 Just as Israel at times has thwarted United States ' regional objectives , so also the PLO has at times thwarted the policies of Jordan and Syria ; Egypt has reneged on its commitment to the Soviet Union and a defeated Syria was able to destroy the Israeli-Lebanese Withdrawal Agreement virtually overnight .
3 What is immediately needed is that teachers should bring to bear on their day to day problems astringent intellectual scrutiny .
4 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
5 Might it have happened that she met a horse drawn set on its way to day , and that she squeezed herself against the tunnel wall in a vain attempt to let it by without harm to herself ?
6 But they took what few they 'd got left on our regiment to Ireland so nobody else 'd desert , while they rounded the others up and took them to Ireland you see .
7 Nell wears those large white Peter Pan collars much favoured by the wives of men involved in sex scandals , when they get photographed on their way to church the Sunday after the story breaks .
8 This is one of those creamy frostings that seems to disappear on its way to the cake , simply because it 's so darn hard to keep from tasting it to death .
9 They had listed all of the places they would have to pass on their way to the Fire Court ; they had shown the tiny villages and the Wolfwood and the forks in the road and the long flat road down to Reflection 's country and the glittering decadent Fire Court .
10 He grew a real beard , which would incommode him for other parts ; he thought , behaved , responded Learwise , in as short-sighted a fashion as that monarch would have done , having handed on his characteristics to his youngest daughter .
11 You may reflect on what influence this financial pressure , in addition to all the other pressures he 'd have felt , would have had on his will to ’ live .
12 But right now she was more concerned about the effect her behaviour might have had on his offer to her mother .
13 So in some way I must have passed on my fear to my children , even though I thought I was doing everything in my power to avoid doing so .
14 Five years later she was to be found lecturing on her expedition to the Gabon , she had climbed Mount Cameroon , and her Travels in West Africa was published to consolidate her reputation as a ‘ fish and fetish ’ expert .
15 It emerges that the head maltster has been asked to inform on his behaviour to the police .
16 It 's equally important that goods do n't get damaged on their way to the shop floor , or when they arrive there .
17 High bay windows give a leafy view over the terraced front garden and a sycamore-lined walk where Queen Anne liked to promenade on her visits to Tunbridge Wells .
18 She had commented on its goodness to Clare , who guessed at how many years it had lain fallow ; five — six ?
19 As they drew alongside , on the road they had travelled on their way to Tara , Fenella found herself staring into its depths and remembering the ancient Forest Court at its heart …
20 I 'VE never been so moved before as I was when I saw on TV the rescue of a boy who had collapsed on his way to a feeding centre in Somalia .
21 Alice waved as they went back down , until they were lost to sight on their way to Bond Street and then , they had said , to West Hampstead on the Jubilee .
22 The schoolhouses had been left empty in the Revolution , and then ransacked by peasants , as the Bolshevik investigators had noticed on their way to Nikol'skaia .
23 None of us had any idea what observation meant , but we had to write down a sentence or something we had noticed on our way to school .
24 I told him that ever since listening to my father 's vivid descriptions of Constantinople I had always wanted to visit the city , but that I had been sadly disillusioned by the Turks I had seen on my way to the Embassy ; they had looked so incongruous in second-hand European clothes .
25 They were standing on the waste ground behind the car park which Hoomey had crossed on his way to Bean 's .
26 Envoys of Offa , however , had arrived at the court of Charlemagne affirming that this rumour was the work of men who were enemies of both Charlemagne and Offa , and had gone on their way to Rome , accompanied by Frankish envoys , to reiterate Offa 's denial of a plot against Hadrian before the pope himself .
27 Peter drove slowly past the gates — the dignified gates through which most of his predecessors had stepped on their way to the church — and , as he did so , the new owner came out of the front door and clearly observed the dawdling and curious car .
28 This was to be remedied by Commodore Vanderbilt , the greatest merchant prince of the American railroad companies , president of the New York Central , whose family had started on its route to fortune with a steamboat line .
29 On Feb. 12 the Crown Prince denied foreign press reports that the political leadership intended to renege on its commitment to the 1962 Constitution .
30 Labour Councillors in have crippled Social Services , have reneged on their promises to the people of when one of the biggest lies we 've seen on any political papers in was that they would defend and not close elderly persons homes .
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