Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that any [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that he has listened to hon. Members and representatives of people with disabilities who are worried that the additional room or larger property that they need to accommodate their disabilities might take them into a higher band and that he has decided that any such people should fall within one band lower than would otherwise be the case ?
2 Stena Sealink Line managing director Gareth Cooper has warned that any industrial action at Parkeston Quay would put jobs at risk .
3 Through a spokesman , New York City 's Commissioner of Cultural Affairs has denied that any such list exists , although the thought of museums cannibalising a moribund New-York Historical Society has brought fierce criticism in the press .
4 Blackburn J. has held that any pecuniary interest , however small , will be sufficient .
5 ‘ Realistic ’ seems to mean negotiation acceptable to the FMLN and to the Salvadorean army , which would have to participate to ensure that any subsequent deal should stick . ’
6 I emphasise this point because popular topographical books still tend to suggest that any particular place is sited where it is for defence reasons , or because it is near a source of water .
7 They are not intended to suggest that any given product does no harm whatsoever to the environment .
8 Figure 6.1 Experiments are needed to confirm that any particular structure of behaviour pattern functions as a signal .
9 Usually career coercion will suffice to ensure that any troublesome thesis stays unpublished and out of the public eye .
10 They 'll of course attempt to claim that any future cuts in schools ' budgets are down to lack of government funding .
11 Finally , however , when the chips are down , Freeman would have to claim that any true account that was incompatible with his — that makes his false or irrelevant in some sense — would be a misinterpretation of the play 's intrinsic structure , that cognitive model which really underlies it .
12 One problem was that the RHA needed to ensure that any mental illness initiative was not inequitable with respect to the other neglected client groups .
13 From this point on , Flaubert must have known that any full length novel would probably take him five to seven years ; and therefore that most of his back-burner projects would inevitably boil themselves dry in the pot .
14 We try to ensure that any surplus resources are reallocated sensibly and flexibly .
15 By this we do not mean to imply that any old interpretation will do because , clearly , there are standards involved in any inference from the data materials to the theory , be this a substantive sociological theory or what we have referred to as an instrumental theory .
16 He continued to support the Tories through the very difficult war years , and after 1815 seems to have felt that any popular demonstration or movement towards parliamentary reform would be the prelude to an English Revolution which would , in turn , throw up a ‘ Napoleon ’ to tyrannize over the British people .
17 Care must be taken to ensure that any specific confidentiality concerns of the client are addressed .
18 In the tense silence which followed this remark , all eyes now turned upon the couple who had been fetched from their bedroom ; the couple who had decided that any further diet of delightful architecture would have amounted to a sort of cultural force-feeding .
19 Penrose 's theorem had shown that any collapsing star must end in a singularity ; the time-reversed argument showed that any Friedmann-like expanding universe must have begun with a singularity .
20 But others , who were more constitutionally minded than he , had begun to feel that any such remedies , to be truly effective , must ultimately have the sanction of law .
21 Most prison reformers , including Howard , have emphasized that any rehabilitative effect which prison may have will derive primarily from the quality of the relationship built up between a respected member of staff and an individual prisoner .
22 HAVE noticed that any old grandad who can prop himself up on a spade can dig better than I can , and it does seem that although women have virtues not given to men , men also have their gifts .
23 We have seen that any such claim about the distribution of wealth could not have been and can not today be legitimately sustained .
24 As to illegality , recent developments in the law have shown that any relevant error of law made by the decision maker , whether as to his powers or as to the law he is to apply , may lead to his decision being quashed .
25 8.2 To take Lease following disclaimer If at any time during the Term the Tenant ( being an individual ) shall become bankrupt or ( being a company ) shall enter into liquidation and the trustee in bankruptcy or liquidator shall disclaim this Lease the Guarantor shall if the Landlord shall by notice within [ 60 ] days after such disclaimer so require take from the Landlord a Lease of the Premises for the residue of the Contractual Term which would have remained had there been no disclaimer at the Rent then being paid under this Lease and subject to the same covenants and terms as in this Lease ( except that the Guarantor shall not be required to procure that any other person is made a party to the Lease as guarantor ) such new Lease to take effect from the date of such disclaimer and in such case the Guarantor shall pay the costs of such new Lease and execute and deliver to the Landlord a counterpart of it This provision is inserted to avoid the fact that a disclaimer of a lease by a trustee in bankruptcy or a liquidator will give rise to the release of the guarantor from the date of the disclaimer .
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