Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] it [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many ageing people need to understand and accept the changes in their sexuality in order to continue enjoying it to the full .
2 Secular books on the New Age tend to treat it as the latest fad ; the ‘ in thing ’ of the eighties , full of Alternative Types and quaint ideas about the ‘ good life ’ down on the organic , backyard farm .
3 Monism , with its rejection of the form-meaning dichotomy , was a tenet of the New Critics , who rejected the idea that a poem conveys a message , preferring to see it as an autonomous verbal artefact .
4 There have been some centres who felt that the American data has justified using it at an early stage .
5 The superintendents … have at least stopped using it in a noisy and disagreeable way
6 He has felt the presaging shadow of death , and he goes to meet it in the old unchanging way of the wild — alone .
7 Kankoila was one of the founder members of FLING , helping to establish it in the early 1950s .
8 The defendant then made an agreement with the plaintiffs in which ‘ in consideration that the plaintiffs , at the request of the defendant , would deliver to the defendant ’ the cargo of coal , the defendant promised to unload it at a stated rate .
9 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
10 This has committed it to an inevitable struggle with the Palestinians for control of policy on the Palestine question and , by extension , for control of Jordan itself .
11 The Nord-Pas-de-Calais strategy is clearly designed to pull it in the former camp and has a number of existing advantages to draw upon including a good geographical position and relatively low land prices , wages and corporate taxation rates .
12 The reason for this is that ( in many cases ) the client becomes aware of the proposed legislation either because he has been served under the General Orders with a notice as being directly affected , or because he has seen it in the local newspaper or Gazette advertisement .
13 In Manchester the handover has allowed it to offload heavy costs such as bridge maintenance , while in Sheffield the running of the tram system into British Midland 's station has turned it into a major transport terminus , which includes buses .
14 Getting itself involved in access so deeply has turned it from a benign , vaguely representative organisation into one whose role is increasingly to police the activities of climbing and climbers .
15 I am talking about prisoners who do not want problems in serving their sentence ; they want to serve it in a civilised fashion , where that is possible in any prison regime .
16 Apple Computer Inc chairman and chief executive officer John Sculley 's name has made it to the short list to be Secretary of Commerce in the Clinton Administration : if he takes the cabinet post , Apple 's likely to look outside for a replacement .
17 Mr Joseph Bronson ( HMS Milne ) , of Helmington Terrace , Hunwick , is still waiting for his medal but is expected to receive it within the next few weeks .
18 If she has had it for a few years , there will be another bonus in that it will mature before the end of your mortgage term , saving thousands in extra interest payments .
19 He tried to leaven it with a minor joke .
20 Difficulties arose , however , when people tried to apply it to the electromagnetic field , which has an infinite number of degrees of freedom , roughly speaking two for each point of space-time .
21 She 's bitterley disappointed that the council has sold it to a local businessman who wants to use the premises to repair binoculars .
22 " And I would so enjoy turning it into the best school of its kind in Frizingley .
23 Luke 's voice was so low that she had to strain to hear it above the noisy chatter of the birds , the rustle of the breeze in the trees .
24 Artistic director Christopher Gable has injected it with a new lease of life and brought it to a completely different audience .
25 CCW wants to manage it as a National Nature Reserve , but this is being blocked by the IDO claim .
26 Mr Kronenburg 's lawyers accepted that the defamation was accidental , four-figure damages were paid , and Chatto & Windus , having first withdrawn the book , has reissued it with an elaborate disclaimer slip .
27 It has been referred to only rarely in official Soviet and Afghan statements in the 1980s since the Soviet-Afghan Friendship and Cooperation Treaty of December 1978 has replaced it as the contractual charter determining the relations between the two states .
28 If you want to leave it to the last minute you can also bring your items to the Community Centre on the morning .
29 In the litter tray they do the same thing , but if it has been used several times without being properly cleaned out this becomes impossible and the cat will then prefer to defecate elsewhere , even if it has to go through the motions of covering its dung with imaginary earth after it has deposited it on a wooden floor or a carpet .
30 It looked as if the builder had started off with the plans of a Tudor manor house , swapped them for an Early English cathedral in mid-storey , and then suffered a total loss of confidence and tried to convert it into a Dutch barn .
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