Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] her [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Margaret was encouraged to continue pursuing her enquiries with the solicitor .
2 She seemed to regard her life with the handsome doctor as a game with rules .
3 However , there was nothing the elderly woman could have done to prevent her departure with the two children , who had been clearly delighted to be leaving their grandmother 's house .
4 Being his girlfriend was n't exactly going to do her image with the rest of the team much good either .
5 By now Dot would have had her dab with the damp corner of a towel at the sink on the landing .
6 Camilla , 45 , has always refused to discuss her friendship with the Prince .
7 She turned to leave , but Dad got off his orange box and grabbed hold of her hands and proceeded to prod her palms with the needle .
8 She had started to help her aunt with the never-ending sewing .
9 She liked to spend her time with the other old people , exchanging grumbles and , as she put it , cheerin' them up and takin' them out o' themselves .
10 From him , Ariel learned to speak her English with the accent of the Thames river rat .
11 She had stopped her tears with the heel of her hand , and face-paint smeared it .
12 On Saturday Mrs Totteridge had ridden in the morning and then at lunchtime had checked her goat with the attendant events from which the whole enquiry had followed .
13 It would be interesting to learn who had been present when the fastidious Miss Easterbrook had had her accident with the tea .
14 She had plunked her pack with the lighter on top of the bar , as if she were planning to smoke the lot before she moved on .
15 Bursting into her life with a devastating charm , he had undermined her defences with skill , until she had faced him as defenceless as a de-shelled crab , and he had destroyed her illusions with the cruel indifference of a natural predator .
16 ‘ I can not think , ’ Jane paused to dab her cheeks with the eau de citron which was supposed to blanche the skin of her face and breasts to a fashionable death-mask whiteness , ‘ I can not think , ’ she resumed , ‘ why the Prince of Orange , whoever in hell he is , should want to appoint Richard as a staff officer !
17 As relations between Edward II and Charles IV of France deteriorated in April 1324 , Queen Isabella was urged to use her influence with the French monarch by asking him to ‘ have regard for us and our children who are so close to him , and for the alliances between them , and especially for the alliance made in our own person , which all the world knows was concluded to nourish and sustain peace and love between the two kingdoms , and to prevent wars and disputes ’ .
18 Topaz talked to the Moor as if it were a friend , and on that particular day she wanted to share her thoughts with the vastness around her .
19 So , after practising lifting her bed with the powers of her mind , she is ready to face anything or anyone who tries to repress her .
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