Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 A different possible interpretation of a contract is that , not the buyer , but the seller has undertaken to accept the risk that the goods might not exist , i.e. he has undertaken as part of the contract that the goods do in fact exist .
2 ‘ We want to try to model the economies that can be realised from downsizing by studying particular cases . ’
3 Prompted by the rapid development of medical technology over the past decade or so , the medical community has come to reject the notion that death is associated exclusively with breathing and heartbeat , the ‘ vital functions ’ .
4 It therefore seems directly consistent with the theory that candidates were forbidden to try to persuade the voters that they had better policies or attitudes than other candidates : a directive which had distinctive consequences for the pattern of the contest .
5 The desperate image of both skins and punks has helped to create the impression that these subcultures are completely untouched by ‘ commercial ’ influences .
6 This , in turn , has helped to foster the view that there is really no law at all ; indeed , that the law is an irrelevance .
7 the they day staff , so consequently whoever 's in a =pec specific position has got to have the responsibilities that go with that position .
8 Air Mail has continued to follow the format that was developed in 1989 , and which seeks to maintain a balance between Association policy , news and items of historical , Service and general interest .
9 It is only in the last generation that British education has begun to grasp the idea that schooling should maximise the opportunity of every individual child .
10 Here , despite all of the external constraints the Course has managed to maintain the principle that every student should be allowed to take any module for which he or she is ( qualified and which can be timetabled .
11 They can not , it is submitted — and certainly the plaintiffs themselves can not — be held responsible if , after the documents are returned to them executed in the presence of a solicitor , it subsequently transpires that the addressee has chosen to ignore the counsel that he was given .
12 Now I I I do n't think there 's any doubt about this Chairman that that particular group bears er comment from us er er part of the er Conservative resolutions made wants to acknowledge the fact that for the first time all parties , members of the parties have n't started to look in detail at these St Albans and many aspect , many aspects of the Consultants ' strategy of starting to appeal .
13 But Bob explains that he has special personal reasons for wanting to help to express the gratitude that he felt when he was in dire trouble himself , thousands of miles from home , and was baled out by the kindness of strangers .
14 It was the secretary to Sheik Asball Hasseinen : the man she 'd gobbled to get the information that brought her here .
15 The Review Panel would have had to try to persuade the court that complying with FRED 1 failed to give a true and fair view , and it would have been presenting this argument at the same time that companies generally were being compelled to comply with FRS 3 ( a not fundamentally revised version of FRED 1 ) in order to give a true and fair view .
16 I think we are goi we are going to have to face the fact that we are not going to get an outing
17 ‘ You know , the headmaster is quite right , you ca n't tell a teacher what you 're going to do … for your own good some time son you 're going to have to learn the lesson that there are people who can force you to do things and you 're going to have to do them and you 've got no choice . ’
18 But if the Labour Party is to survive the consequences of its defence of bad housing , it is going to have to surrender the belief that it is the only voice of the people .
19 Well I think in common with most local authorities we 've been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Central Government over the last ten years , where we have attempted to continue to deliver the services that we believe we 've been elected to deliver , and Central Government has been trying to close off what it would see as loopholes and gain control of us and stop us doing what it does n't want us to do , but of course it 's a rather unequal struggle and the cat and mouse analogy is quite a good one in that Central Government has all the power and is able to erm take control of us to the extent now that the budget that both the City and the County Council have set for the coming year has effectively been set by Central Government .
20 What criteria should any experiment we made try to meet to satisfy the claim that the process we were studying was a necessary , sufficient and possibly even specific aspect of the memory formation process ?
21 Personally , I would like to have seen him play Karpov but that seems destined to remain the match that never was .
22 Nomura Securities , Nikko Securities , Daiwa Securities and Yamaichi Securities were accused by the national tax authorities of having attempted to conceal the fact that they had made compensation payments to certain large clients who had made losses after taking their investment advice .
23 His passion and concern for minutiae may have served to diminish the impact that this work had on his contemporaries and successors .
24 Everything would have combined to emphasize the fact that she was no longer part of the terrain her ancestors had occupied for so many generations .
25 Should the suggestion be to drop the mother tongue , local patriotism is immediately aroused and a whole quantity of scientific and technical evidence brought to bear to prove the point that a child 's intellectual development is the fastest when instruction is provided in its own language .
26 Between roaring fire and loaded table Salt moved grimly and with great determination , roasting , baking , conjuring such delectable smells that Jess kept having to swallow the saliva that filled her mouth .
27 I regret to have to tell the House that a bomb planted by the Provisional IRA exploded in Musgrave Park hospital at 3.53 pm last Saturday , killing two soldiers and injuring 11 other people , among them a five-year-old girl and a baby of four months .
28 ‘ It would be wrong to anticipate the conclusions of the inquiry but I do want to assure the public that this matter is a cause of great concern to the Prison Service and that all aspects of the escape , including the role played by prison staff , will be very carefully examined . ’
29 If ADAS wishes to continue to provide the service that it has done for many years to our industry , and as an ADAS spokesman said ‘ not to price itself out of the market ’ , then it needs to join the real world .
30 But because of the nature , because of the nature of our amendment , we do need to remind the opposition that er prior to that date was facing major social economic problems as vital services in the local economy fell victim to the consequences of planning thirty million out of the budget in order to bring in a low poll tax .
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