Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kohl has decided to go on with a fast-breeder reactor in Kalkar on the Rhine , although development costs have quadrupled to 6–5 billion DM .
2 He said he 's pleased that Pakistan has decided to come back into the Commonwealth .
3 Hugh Jones has decided to step down from the chairman 's seat and the board has asked me if I 'd be willing to take over from him . ’
4 Master of Ceremonies was Branch Chairman Malcolm Cork , Booth White , who has decided to stand down from the position .
5 By eschewing the obvious solution of a differential dividend payment , the group has had to fall back on the option of endowing the chemicals company with additional cash by way of a rights issue from Zeneca .
6 ‘ Yes , I am remembering ; and please remember , too , Great-grandmother , that I am not a miss any more ; I am a married woman who has run your house for years and has had to put up with a man of your choosing . ’
7 ‘ They have already had a bit of excitement , while the rest of the country has had to put up with the phoney war . ’
8 She has had to give in over the question of chrome : and the Foreign Minister , who never struck me as being too friendly towards us , failed to get away ( as he apparently hoped ) with letting armed German ships through the Straits .
9 IN a week when Mark McNulty has had to pull out of the Jersey European Airways Open with a bad back , Sam Torrance , the holder , has come to La Moye with his hands covered in blisters .
10 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
11 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
12 They are both the product of good intentions : old-Etonian William Waldegrave has promised to speak up for the ‘ little guy ’ .
13 One legitimate reason for panning is to follow the action ; shots of beach football , for example , will need to pan to keep up with the play .
14 The FIVE NATIONS COMMITTEE has agreed to carry on with the successful recent experiment of having the referees ‘ wired ’ to the commentators ' headphones during games .
15 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
16 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
17 The new breed of shareholders has yet to show its skills of actually trading shares for long term appreciation and has tended to sell out at the most lucrative time .
19 There is one ray of hope — one member of the rescue team , himself an experienced caver , is a Casualty consultant from Suffolk who has volunteered to go down with the party to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured man .
20 Judging from geological surveys , they expect to have to go down to a depth of 45 metres before they find it .
21 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
22 So far , Jansen has declined to stand down as a trustee .
23 This speech has now completely turned the play around and has begun to lead on to the tragedy at the end of it , Brutus , the nobleman 's , death .
24 A former Grand National jockey charged with burglary and deception has failed to turn up for a court appearance .
25 Without naming his new guru , the Zimbabwe-born batsman — who has failed to live up to the blaze of publicity which greeted his arrival on the Test scene in 1991 — revealed that his poor form in five-day games against Pakistan last summer led him to seek psychiatric advice .
26 To put it in simple terms , hard disk performance has failed to keep up with the massive increases in processor speeds — you need a disk cache of some description , so we might as well start with the one you get for free .
27 While Chancellor Kohl 's CDU-CSU alliance holds 309 of the 652 seats , far more than its closest rivals , the Social Democrats , who have 239 , it could not govern without the support of Hans Dietrich-Genscher 's FDP — which is why Genscher has managed to hold on to the post of Foreign Minister for so long .
28 Basically , the problem is this : due to the sprite limitations of the C64 nobody — as yet — has managed to come up with a routine that would allow more than ten Lemmings on-screen simultaneously .
29 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
30 And it more or less made it that we 'd got to go back for the ten and thruppence .
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