Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 CAGNEY and Lacey actress Sharon Gless , who is currently in London starring in Misery at the Criterion , has treated her colleagues at the theatre to her favourite Haagen-Dazs ice cream .
2 Hundreds more Herefordians are expected to risk their morals at the first show in the city early next month .
3 The organisation wants to increase its investments at the rate of a dozen or so per year .
4 He has met his brothers at the fair which accompanies the hiring but otherwise there has been no joy ; certainly nothing to bring to his wife , Emily , who has been driven up to the town and found refuge in the house of a local schoolmaster , Mr Stephens .
5 She had replayed in her mind what she had overheard , over and over again , and each time she tried to ignore his words at the end .
6 ‘ Now he sails under a flag of convenience , prepared to change his views at the drop of an opinion poll . ’
7 She prefers to engage her readers at the coal-face , as it were ; that of the formation of moral intuitions , or the making of decisions .
8 AT&T Co says it has negotiating with European carriers to join its WorldSource venture for ‘ better than a year , ’ but that with its customers clamouring for one-stop shopping , especially in Europe , AT&T could n't wait any longer for national carriers to join — ‘ We do n't plan to leave our customers at the European borders , ’ it said .
9 Well finish doing your nails at the table then .
10 You said finish doing your nails at the table .
11 Is it right that the Secretary of State should hide behind English Tory Members of Parliament who consistently and always seem to have their names at the front of the Order Paper when there are Welsh questions , thus denying Welsh Members the right to put their point of view on behalf of their constituents ?
12 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
13 And what Mr says in respect of er those three offences is that erm the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before , er he had never er known that that was a procedure that had to be followed .
14 Racing cyclists generally like to meet their fans at the beginning of a stage , but do n't ask for autographs today .
15 By the end of the century , use of drugs in cases of terminal illness was more common ; but many would have shaken their heads at the thought of patients dying drugged , as is the norm today .
16 And they started keeping their clothes at the pit .
17 No word had come from Rose , and surely she would have cancelled their arrangements at the least hint of scandal ?
18 ‘ There is considerable danger here of drawing the conclusion that because the two sets of bones were found in conjunction and on the same date , they must have met their deaths at the same time .
19 How the more distinguished men must have gnashed their teeth at the trivial basis upon which great decisions are made — but how delighted they must be today not to be branded with the title of court architect !
20 And , if you 're travelling solo , no one 's going to compensate you for having to change your plans at the last minute .
21 Non-residents would have to register their names at the gate as well as the time of arrival and their business .
22 And would try to impress their daughters at the jousting .
23 They are able to do this because with a large number of depositors it is highly unlikely that they would all want to withdraw their deposits at the same time .
24 Pupils who do not manage to buy their books at the School Book Sales should place their order with the booksellers before the end of the Session .
25 His bare back began to look very red an d he kept waving his arms at the insects which he was disturbing .
26 When asked to explain his responses at the end of the study , he replied that his chosen shapes ‘ looked closer and brighter ’ , but did not mention the symmetry which is so striking to a normal observer .
27 Remember that most people tend to drop their voices at the end of a sentence .
28 beg Sniff your kickers at the
29 ‘ Araminta wanted me to clear up first , ’ Theda answered , trying to still the flutter that had attacked her pulses at the touch of his hand on her arm .
30 The team 's ball-item ( ‘ Sugar and Spice ’ ) would be the one in which they had to deposit their balls at the back of the stage , jump , turn and move downstage .
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