Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The new consciousness takes note that our society has become over-balanced in favour of the so-called masculine qualities of character .
2 ‘ The survey demonstrates that the debate over membership of the ERM has become clouded by issues of personalities and politics .
3 Teixeira , the old I P leader , tried to get put in command of them , having up till now succeeded in putting as much distance between himself and those dangerous embarrassments as he could .
4 These two key members appear to have acted on behalf of , and in the name of , the committee by negotiating contributions to specific sections of the proposal with the representatives of the sectional interests .
5 After the meeting , donors were reported to have responded with pledges of $120,000,000 .
6 According to Mr. Mahmoud , he admitted them because they pretended to have come on behalf of the insurers .
7 Do they for a moment consider that most visitors to the like District want to feel surrounded by natives of the fells and not middle-class accents and protocol ?
8 If , by contrast , ageing has evolved as part of an optimal life history , then there may be a direct cost , for instance in the form of a reduction in survival to maturity , delayed maturity or lower fertility in early adulthood .
9 ( 4 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer the goods he contracted to sell mixed with goods of a different description not included in the contract , the buyer may accept the goods which are in accordance with the contract and reject the rest or he may reject the whole .
10 The summit declaration 's notable omission of any plans to resolve the crisis in Yugoslavia was understood to have stemmed from lack of agreement among leaders who were bound by the CSCE 's rule of consensus .
11 Metazoans are hypothesized to have arisen as part of a major eukaryotic radiation , 800–1,000Myr ago .
12 A DC is set to state CREATED by use of option 2.1.1 .
13 Organized stealing also appears to have continued in parts of Siyane Korale in Colombo district , along the borders between Kurunagala and the North-Central Province , and between Kurunagala and Kagalla .
14 Thin veils of smoke , detected by satellite as far away as southeastern Pakistan , 2000 km east of Kuwait , were found to have risen to heights of between 6 and 7 km .
15 There are three bedrooms for visitors all with private bathrooms and individual character — one has an iron-framed antique rose-painted four-poster bed with lace hangings and a Victorian screen , another has oak beams and a closet ( now a shower ) where priests are reputed to have hidden during times of persecution .
16 Before the end of August he was turning north again leaving affairs in Aquitaine to be looked after by Duke Warin and by Egfrid , whom Charles seems to have installed as count of Toulouse shortly before .
17 A BBC Scotland spokeswoman said that a draft script written by Michael Eaton , author of the controversial ITV drama Shoot to Kill based on allegations of extra-judicial killings of IRA members by the security forces in Northern Ireland , had already been commissioned .
18 The New-Right Conservatives have challenged the educational establishment 's alleged over-liberalism which they claim has resulted in abandonment of the inculcation of traditional values by schools .
19 Although he never made his views public , he is believed to have argued in favour of the review group supporting some form of electoral reform .
20 Ibn Hajar merely says that alter having served as kadi of Bursa for a while , " he went to Konya and settled there " .
21 The solicitor I had consulted talked of power of attorney .
22 Most of the local men who had come for the conventicle , had come armed in case of a surprise attack , and many of the others agreed to arm themselves , but additional men would be required if the Dragoons were to be confronted .
23 Erm , the scheme itself is one which is very much in mind with er , various policies that you 've had put in front of you , in terms of er , provision er , for this type of scheme for people with learning disabilities .
24 ( ii ) the solicitor , as the employee of a non-solicitor , does work permitted by virtue of Rule 4 of these rules .
25 Behind the creation stood the familiar figure of Lloyd George who in the previous December had formed a coalition with himself as Prime Minister to replace the previous government of Herbert Asquith which had become discredited by criticisms of its conduct of the war .
26 Since the beginning of the year 336,880 people in Latin America had become infected with cholera of whom 3,542 had died ( including 2,681 in Peru ) , while in Africa 133,136 cases and 12,405 deaths ( including 7,104 in Nigeria ) had been recorded , according to figures released by the World Health Organization on Nov. 29 .
27 By now the disapproving looks Diana Lanchester had been earning had turned to ones of open curiosity as those around became intrigued by the confrontation .
28 There was a posy of pale spring flowers wrapped in damp newspaper to keep them fresh , a bag of potatoes tied with bristly twine , six eggs in a carton , carrots unearthed from the sandheap in which they had lain stored against invasion of the wire-worm , and a selection of dessert apples , no mere windfalls but blemish-free bests , each polished to a rosy sheen by Loopy Lil .
29 I took that as a compliment — a sign that we have become accepted as part of everyday ( country ) life .
30 In Capricorn Inks Pty Ltd v Lawter International ( Australasia ) Pty Ltd [ 1989 ] 1 Qd R 8 , accountants appointed to assess damages were held to have acted in excess of jurisdiction by not acting with procedural fairness .
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