Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a label which I want to see attached to the British economy .
2 Creaney , who now forms a new strike partnership with Andy Payton , and has nudged his boyhood idol Charlie Nicholas into reserve football , feels the Cologne tie has come at the right time .
3 Perhaps , not surprisingly , in a short space of time life skills training has become detached from the wider objectives associated with liberal humanist education : the point being that teaching young people about society has been replaced by criteria designed to alter their relationship with it .
4 In the case of many other states parties , the Convention has become incorporated into the domestic law , thus discharging a primary rather than a secondary function ( i.e. coming into operation only in the event of a failure of domestic remedies ) .
5 Over the years that The Women Artists Slide Library has been collecting and documenting the work of women artists it has become sensitised to the many issues around health and disability .
6 The former take little account of the latter although much of the HMI 's thinking has become known over the same period i.e. the late 1970s and early 1980s .
7 No side has won successive grand slams since Wavell Wakefield 's England of 1924 , though it is worth recalling that what has become known as the Irish Problem deprived Wales in Barry John 's farewell year , 1972 ; they won handsomely against England , France and Scotland but like the Scots dared not venture to Dublin at the height of The Troubles .
8 The results of these and other experiments fit in well with the predictions of what has become known as the standard electroweak model .
9 This gives rise to the danger of what has become known as the two-thirds , one-third society in which the majority obtains secure well-paid full-time ‘ core ’ jobs and the minority become ‘ marginalised ’ , obtaining less well-paid , part-time , temporary , ‘ peripheral ’ jobs and hovering on the verge of poverty .
10 Secondly , we outline what has become known as the Keynesian theory of national income determination .
11 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
12 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
13 Spasticity , which comes from the word ‘ spasm ’ , has become known as the common term for the whole range of cerebral palsy handicaps but the three forms are significantly different .
14 The modern world has become dominated by the rational and technical society where specialisation in work is no longer related to traditional skills or crafts ( based in the home ) but to the economic and functional necessity of the marketplace .
15 In an age which has become dominated by the Gross National Product and the Dow — Jones Index , the level of interest rates and the state of the pound , the money supply and the Public Sector Deficit , and at a more mundane level , the Sunday colour supplements offering a world of gourmet food and package holidays in the sun , it is a warning which is easily muffled by our culture .
16 The -e has become attracted to the -ly ; the speller is seeing the word as a whole , instead of as love + ly
17 Community policing is a preventive rather than a crime control made of policing and in the United Kingdom it has become associated in the popular image particularly with those inner-city areas where crime rates have risen sharply and where police relations with ethnic minorities have deteriorated , although it is also a response to the police 's loss of contact with other sections of the community , especially young people ( Schaffer 1980 ) .
18 Nevertheless , it has become established as the only real alternative for organisations seeking to avoid or escape proprietary , single vendor solutions .
19 Nevertheless , it has become established as the only real alternative for organisations seeking to avoid or escape proprietary , single-vendor systems .
20 After the reorganization this part of the process seems to have worked relatively smoothly , but injustices appear to have occurred in the comparative chaos of the earlier period .
21 Thus , although incoming variants of both vowels appear to have originated in the same hinterland Scots dialect , each has assumed a diametrically opposed social value in its new urban setting .
22 It stemmed from the outbreak of Minamata disease among the Japanese who had eaten fish and shellfish containing substantial quantities of organic mercury compounds — found to have originated from the direct discharge of factory effluent .
23 The position of women is often considered to have improved during the last few decades .
24 Iraq was also reported to have invested in the Argentine Condor II and , possibly , the Brazilian SS-300 .
25 A second gunman was reported to have fired into the front row of the audience .
26 The EC sought co-operation against drug traffickers , and Mexico was reported to have inserted at the last minute a formula to safeguard its national jurisdiction in this area .
27 Meanwhile , some 20,000 Serbs in the area were reported to have fled across the Croatian borders to the neighbouring autonomous province of Vojvodina , part of Serbia , in an effort to escape the fighting .
28 The number of different visitors they were reported to have had during the last twelve months averaged 5.0 .
29 The patient should not be expected to get dressed in the early stages following his stroke .
30 If you want to get rid of the green water , which is not harmful , a UV is the only sure remedy .
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