Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [that] such [noun pl] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Gumperz ( 1977 ) , for example , has argued that such variables can be used to invoke domains of interpretation , e.g. to mark transitions from chat to business .
2 Reynolds seemed to realise that such objections could go on for ever , so he said , ‘ Yes .
3 I should like to think that such rights will be dealt with speedily .
4 I could never have expressed that wish so long as my father was alive , for I had been trained to think that such sentiments would hurt him .
5 ( In fairness to Rollin he does allow that such rights may be breached , but only for life-or-death reasons .
6 A legal problem has arisen here in respect of defendants who ‘ could not care less ’ whether the woman was not consenting : we have seen that such men can be convicted of rape in cases where they achieve penetration , but there is a problem in convicting them of attempted rape where they fail to achieve penetration but clearly intended to do so .
7 However , since concepts , according to Frege , are essentially predicative , this automatically excludes singular existential propositions , and I have argued that such propositions can not be dismissed as " ungrammatical " .
8 We have argued that such institutions should be public ( though not ruling out the possibility of a role , even an important role , for private actions , as an additional deterrent to abuses of market power ) ; that there should be a single investigating institution with powers to identify and to investigate cases , and to propose remedies , within a clearly stated framework of rules and guidelines ; that firms should be given an opportunity to make representations as to why the competition policy presumptions should not apply in a particular case ; and that there should be a competition tribunal with the task of reviewing and monitoring the recommendations of the competition policy institution .
9 Now they have demonstrated that such systems can be modified and made more complex .
10 We need to ensure that such increases can be accommodated without conflicting with the core work carried out in support of our primary objectives .
11 Black leaders in turn need to recognise that such measures will do far more to help poor blacks than any amount of affirmative action , reparation , calls for black separation , or courses designed to teach that Socrates stole his ideas from ancient black Egyptians .
12 If it was pointed out that in mixed-ability classes too little was now being expected of the very clever child , teachers tended to reply that such children could look after themselves , and required , or deserved , no special consideration .
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