Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the heady 1980s , Tarmac got carried away chasing the easy money in housebuilding and property development .
2 Aside from his kicking , Ellwood , the player who has done most to transform the Irish season , has shown that he can also break .
3 By contrast , we want to do more to encourage the wider distribution of wealth throughout society .
4 As modern portfolio theory has become widely accepted the necessary inputs are generated in the UK by the London Business School ( LBS ) on a commercial basis .
5 But he has become increasingly frustrated the 26-year-old forward is being overlooked by his country .
6 And the cost , or the potential cost of designating particular , like hospitals and similar premises is so prohibitive that the government has chosen never to implement the designating orders for them .
7 Stotland and associates analysed the effects of subsequent increases in prosecution and enforcement and concluded that ‘ a tendency toward an upward rise of home repair fraud was reduced by convictions … however , the increased sanctions did not appear to have completely reversed the upward movement of home repair fraud ’ ( 1980 : 262 ) .
8 ‘ Oh , undoubtedly , ’ Bridges murmured , and he was clearly heard , for Briant 's oration seemed to have completely flattened the other listeners .
9 The fact that any receipt would have been signed by the hypnotist and not Kylie seemed to have conveniently escaped the zealous Williams .
10 One way in which the 1975 legislation can be said to have further endorsed the domestic division of labour is by making provision of widows ' pensions by occupational schemes one condition of approval by the Occupational Pensions Board .
11 Added to which , a serious takeover bid by the Navy at a time when the Services needed to stand together to mitigate the worst excesses of the Sandys Reformation , would have been unforgivable .
12 There are other ways to access this world , but utilising sexuality is the way I discovered we could — perhaps — manage to do so using the human nervous system .
13 Those who died in the streets attempting to get away suffered the same agonizing fate and were stifled by the fumes .
14 Centres for the physically handicapped have traditionally taken the elderly , and youngsters finding themselves there after leaving school may feel their adult lives have ended rather than just begun .
15 It was at this time that many growers began to group together to form the earliest co-operatives in Champagne .
16 An American handbook called Divorce — how and when to let go confidently affirms the easy destructibility of the marriage bond .
17 More pieces of the machinery began to break away to join the expanding cloud of trash already in evidence inside the Bridge .
18 BT , which bought its stake in McCaw in June for $1.3bn , said that it would not have to invest further to support the current McCaw bids .
19 That band is Nirvana , and if you 're one of the 12 million owners of their last album , Nevermind , you 'll know that their radical reworking of what was heavy metal into what is now grunge has completely destroyed the old image of the moronic metal band .
20 If the material will take pressing then press the whole length and block it out to its finished dimensions well before you attempt any cutting .
21 His parents might have done well to remember the ancient adage , ‘ Those whom the gods love die young ’ .
22 It is worth mentioning , however , that one of the emerging conclusions of the Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry ( though it is still early days ) is that CPRW could and should have done more to alert the Welsh Office to departures from planning policy and should have created more of a public stink over such abuses .
23 It was at the BAFTA awards ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London in 1989 when press photographers , seeing the drunken state he was in , decided to keep close to catch the inevitable explosion on film when it came .
24 In both cases , management appears to have wrongly identified the primary cause of downward pressure on revenue and profit .
25 This comes off splendidly here , although some stretching of the mastertape seems to have slightly affected the basic pitch of the recording .
26 Neither Luther nor Sandys would have achieved much had the political conditions of the day not been extraordinarily favourable .
27 Thus the corals and the stromatoporoids virtually ceased abruptly , though presumably some must have survived somewhere to produce the later faunas of Carboniferous times .
28 BRITISH Aerospace shares are set to rise today following the long-awaited confirmation of more defence contracts from Saudi Arabia .
29 Grounded Graham , 33 , has pledged to try again to wed the 27-year-old engineering worker .
30 Murdock is believed to have originally suggested the sun-and-planet idea .
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