Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pers pn] from [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only God 's intervention has saved him from death by stoning .
2 Now he was hopelessly confused and lost , and the fear he had extended himself to contain shook him from head to foot as they unstrapped him and stood him on his feet again .
3 I tried to contact you from time to time but you always seemed to be somewhere else . ’
4 The Beggar claims it is by speaking of his troubles that he has himself been cured , after a severe change of fortune which has brought him from wealth to his present condition .
5 Producer Duncan Weldon has asked him from time to time to do a tour but Courtenay has never responded until now .
6 The F-A will now decide whether it should take action against the men which may include banning them from football for life .
7 She lingered over her task , and it was an age before she 'd covered him from head to toe : finishing her work with nimble fingers on his risen member .
8 Thus if you are Jewish and working class , your Jewishness is used to disqualify you from membership of labour organizations ; but equally if you are Jewish and poor , your poverty is made to signify the essentially parasitic nature of your ‘ race ’ on the host community .
9 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
10 They might be waiting — waiting to snatch him from salvation at the very last moment .
11 It had wheels on the bottom and a handle inside , which he turned to get him from place to place .
12 Members of the parliament demanded in a 135-34 vote that Mr Yeltsin appear at the Congress tomorrow , when they may vote to remove him from office for declaring emergency rule and calling an April referendum .
13 A sob she would not let him hear racked her from head to foot .
14 I know it 's a cliche but we really do have to take it from game to game — it 's the only way . ’
15 She unearthed an ancient bicycle from some forgotten shed corner and proceeded to ride it from cottage to cottage , her sackful of letters stuffed compactly into a basket in the front .
16 Seniority provides committee chairmen with an independent power base and helps to insulate them from control by party leaders and presidents .
17 This helps to protect them from starvation during the first week or two , when conditions may still be hard .
18 And then , ‘ When she first cam , I meant to save her from misery like mine . ’
19 Harold Wilson did consult me from time to time , in the sense of asking me to ascertain from the Biafrans what their attitude would be towards a visit by him and matters of that sort , but my interventions were of a pretty futile nature and achieved no results .
20 To learn to juggle , take one ball and practise tossing it from hand to hand in an easy arc .
21 One of the problems in your case is , we 've never really been able to Cos i i When we when we 've examined you from time to time , things come and gone .
22 Predictably , there have been numerous success stories often involving mature women whose domestic commitments had prevented them from returning to employment , who had lost confidence in themselves or , if they were working , had little or no recognition for their linguistic and human management skills .
23 The warmth that Alain had shown her from time to time had quite gone now and she knew he would continue to be an enemy .
24 We watched you come home , we saw you go into the house and I was all for going right in after you and confronting Imogen , telling you the truth , because I had learned all about how she had dragged you from place to place , from house to house .
25 Does my hon. Friend agree that it would be wrong to keep uneconomic pits open by trying to protect them from competition from imported coal ?
26 His father had followed him from room to room , half a dozen strides behind him all through that late afternoon .
27 JOAN BAEZ , the American folk singer , was heaped with flowers and apologies yesterday after night club bouncers in Mannheim had barred her from entry on the grounds that there were too many foreigners in the clubs already .
28 She also wanted to save them from slaughter for the sum of two hundred pounds .
29 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
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