Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [art] same [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 With a traditional spreadsheet , if you 've got 5,000 product types , and you want to perform the same calculation on each — for instance subtract the costs from the sale price — you have to duplicate the formula 5,000 times .
2 Mazzin tried to impose the same treatment on us .
3 It occurred to National Certificate staff that instead of programming say twenty subject assessors to different centres all over the country on a particular day , all twenty could be programmed to visit the same centre on the same day .
4 ‘ did unlawfully , wilfully and ’ This point will depend on the circumstances of each case , but if the accused has done the same act on a number of occasions , if he admits he did it intentionally or if he draws attention to himself etc. then unlawful and wilful conduct may be proved .
5 According to Shaun , ‘ Yes Please ’ has got the same production on it as ‘ hardcore , rock smokin' ragga music — it 's more leather than loops , harder than the artist ’ , which , to be fair , at the moment does n't account for much .
6 It is what it is , it 's just another record that happens to have the same people on it as ‘ Harvest ’ …
7 Erm and because they like to keep the same manufacturer on one shaft if they could , they took out six three O seven for the back end .
8 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
9 Yesterday Capt Roy Beaumont , Loganair 's operations director , said that although the plane involved was an ATP , the down draught could have had the same effect on any aircraft coming in to land .
10 Although there was an express clause in the employment contract by which the employee was under a duty " to promote , extend and develop the interests of the company " the court would clearly have reached the same conclusion on the basis of the implied duty of fidelity .
11 ‘ Do n't try to use the same argument on me !
12 Surely any woman would have reacted the same way on discovering a supposed admirer was in reality only after her possessions ?
13 As the company grew , smaller clone-makers , also building to IBM 's software standard , started trying the same tactics on Compaq itself .
14 Can any conductor , though , be said to have made the same impact on recent musical history as that made by Bach or Beethoven or Wagner in the past ?
15 The February and October revolutions seem to have had the same effect on the Russian colonists as the expulsion of the British had on the American colonists in the eighteenth century — a removal of all restraint on the ambitions to despoil native lands and assets .
16 And obviously therefore , cos they obviously therefore , they 've got the same improvements on here as well .
17 Last night , Sam had tried to manipulate Clare , and now her grandmother was trying to do the same thing on his behalf .
18 Most patterns need to go the same way on all pieces joined , so this must be taken into account when ordering .
19 However , if you are going to do this , then you need to set the same ACLs on all the relevant files .
20 No doubt there are those who have seen fear on my face in certain circumstances in this campaign , just as I have seen the same fear on their faces in the same circumstances .
21 Ex manager Brian Horton is at the County Ground in Swindon tonight with his new team Manchester City … one of his big pals is Town boss John Gorman who 's got the same squad on standby tonight but may recall striker Jan Aage Fjortoft … the Norweigan was left out at Norwich in a tactical switch
22 Ex manager Brian Horton is at the County Ground in Swindon tonight with his new team Manchester City … one of his big pals is Town boss John Gorman who 's got the same squad on standby tonight but may recall striker Jan Aage Fjortoft … the Norweigan was left out at Norwich in a tactical switch
23 And I 've come back years later and it 's had the same effect on me . ’
24 We tended to have the same meal on the same day of the week : roast on Sunday , cold meat on Monday , a steak-and-kidney pie or pudding on Tuesday , stew on Wednesday , salt beef on Thursday , fish on Friday and toad-in-the-hole on Saturday .
25 And the tame descendants have kept the same views on this matter .
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